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VISL AGM Notice - Mon May 30/2016

Posted by Vince Greco on Mar 29 2016 at 01:51PM PDT

The AGM is fast approaching, please note it is a mandatory meeting for all teams south of the Malahat.

If you wanted to propose a rule change or put a request for something on the agenda, please do so by Friday April 15.

Here is the process we follow in running the AGM:
It is very similar to the BC Soccer process:

In a nutshell – proposed amendments or additions to the Rules and Regulations will only be considered if submitted, in writing, to the league via email to vincentgreco@shaw.ca and jakenshape@gmail.com
Amendments or additions will only be accepted from VISL members in good standing via their team administrators or by the Board of Directors of the VISL.
Notice of motion of the proposed changes or amendments must be received by VISL at least forty-five (45) days prior to any general meeting. (By April 15) Membership shall be circulated with copies of all proposed amendments or changes at least thirty (30) days prior to the General Meeting (by April 30) except as noted in this section. No motion may be placed on the floor that obviates or intends to obviate the intention of this section.

I also need to clear up something I informed membership about at the semi annual meeting in January.
I was under the impression that changes in our fine structure needed to be approved by membership, and I told people in attendance that very thing. Upon rule clarification with BC Soccer, I was advised that the administrative process was to simply notify members or any changes that the Board had intended to carry out. Of course, we will do so at the AGM, and it will be on the agenda as well. Everybody will know in advance of the new 2016/2017 season starting as that is when the forfeit fines will be increased. (please note, all extra $ will be staying with the non offending team)

Hope to see many of you at the Cup Finals coming up this weekend at RAP.
You will be able to get your banquet tickets in the press-box. (Banquet is Friday April 8, at the Strath)

All Provincial Cup teams – a reminder that you are invited to attend the BC Provincial Cup draw on Tuesday April 5 at Distrikt in the Strath at 6:30 pm……..we will buy you a beverage, and there will be snacks served.