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NO PRACTICE Monday 16 March

Posted by Scott McGregor at Mar 14, 2009 7:08PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hey everyone,

Upon more detailed consideration, I have decided to not hold a practice this Monday 16 March. OK my wife told me what to do, LOL. But I agreed. We need to take a week off for Spring Break and we have no game next Saturday and some girls are sick or injured.
So having said that, we will rest up and conduct a practice the following Monday, 23 March in preparation for our next Cup game 28 March.

Please pass this along to everyone so in case not everyone checks the website or email between now and Monday.



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Game is still ON - Doug Day Field

Posted by Scott McGregor at Mar 14, 2009 9:34AM PDT ( 3 Comments )

According to the GH website the field is open as of 7am this morning. So the game is definitely still on.

Same field as the last time we played GH. Tyndall Park upper grass field.

Dress for the weather girls, it’s gonna be a messy one.

See you in a few hours.


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Posted by Scott McGregor at Mar 12, 2009 6:28PM PDT ( 1 Comment )

Heey girls,
The game this saturday is at Doug Day by Tyndal on the feild, like last time when we played against gordon head, again.
e-mail if you can’t come we gotta win this one this is our cup game

thanks guys
Ash xo

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District Cup quarter-final

Posted by Scott McGregor at Mar 10, 2009 3:44PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Saturday, March 14, play the following:

• District Cup quarter-final:

Gordon Head hosts Gorge Royals

Field TBA – Have not heard from GH Coach at this time. However, I assume it will be at the Tyndall field we played at last month… where we won 4-0 with ten players!

Please also see the uploaded District Cup schedule on the right hand menu of the webpage.

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Posted by Scott McGregor at Mar 9, 2009 1:04PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Congratulations on beating the top team in our division… again. Outstanding team effort!

>> Due to unpredictable snow fall, I am calling off the practice tonight, 9 Mar 09.

I have not received any information on Cup games, but please be aware that there could be on scheduled for Saturday this week. I will post any info I receive to the website.

So, no practice tonight and keep an eye out for email on Cup games.