

Game is still ON - Doug Day Field

Posted by Scott McGregor on Mar 14 2009 at 09:34AM PDT in 2008/2009

According to the GH website the field is open as of 7am this morning. So the game is definitely still on.

Same field as the last time we played GH. Tyndall Park upper grass field.

Dress for the weather girls, it’s gonna be a messy one.

See you in a few hours.



2009-03-14T09:44:01.000-07:00March 14 2009, at 09:44 AM PDT, Shweta Waddan said:

Is it possible if you bring me a jersey
for today and if not can you let me now so i can take my brothers

thank you

2009-03-14T13:09:42.000-07:00March 14 2009, at 01:09 PM PDT, Scott McGregor said:

Heeey Shweta
it’s ash yepp i’ll brign you a jersey don’t worry ;)

2009-03-14T13:28:24.000-07:00March 14 2009, at 01:28 PM PDT, Shweta Waddan said:

Thank You so musch