

Honored to be your coach

Posted by Scott McGregor on Sep 14 2009 at 08:44PM PDT in 2008/2009

What just happened tonight is nothing short of remarkable.

I stand in awe at the likeness between your daughters and yourselves, the parents.
Your children show me an attitude of defiance that drives them to never give up… and tonight I truly saw just where they get their motivation.

I am very honored to stand beside you in supporting our girls. With a bit of luck and some logical thinking we should be off to a brilliant season.

Very respectfully,

Scott McGregor


2009-09-15T21:10:52.000-07:00September 15 2009, at 09:10 PM PDT, jocelyn sandhu said:

We are so happy that the team is staying together and we are most happy to have you, Scott, as the best coach ever!

Jocelyn and Carole and Jazz