News and Announcements

Good Morning Lady Titan LAX Family.

IT’S SUPERBOWL WEEK! I am so excited for this Sunday to watch our KC Chiefs. As all of you may have already realized, we will not have indoor lax this Sunday. Whatever superstitions you have from last year, please do those again to help our home team bring home the trophy. I will look forward to seeing everyone on 14 FEB for our next practice.

Our season officially starts 4 weeks from today on 1 MARCH. We will start outdoor practices at LSW on 1 MARCH at 5pm on the field right behind the tennis courts…and that first week of practice will also be our Varsity tryouts. I do have some important housekeeping items that I would like for everyone to work through between now and 1 MARCH. It is very important that all of these action items are taken care of by 1 MARCH or I will not be able to allow you on the practice field to participate.

Here’s the list:

- Make sure your US Lacrosse membership is active and current, and does NOT have an expiration date between now and 1 JUNE. The membership MUST be active throughout the season. I cannot allow anyone on the field without an active USL membership.

- Make sure you have a current sports physical on file AND uploaded into the LSW PRIVT website. The Athletics Office will NOT accept paper copies. I have attached the PRIVT how-to document for your review if you need it. If you are not sure if your physical is current, reach out to Monte Seabaugh at LSW and ask her to confirm. If you are NOT cleared on PRIVIT, I will be forced to turn you away on Day 1.

Everyone has 4 weeks to take care of this short list. Please do not wait until the last minute…scheduling a sports physical may take some time, so please allow yourself some time to coordinate.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


~Coach Jay

The document PRIVIT-Parent-Form.pdf was attached to this post.

Hello Lady Titan LAX Family,

Just a reminder we will be at Lakeland this Sunday and we will be back at our normal time.

A-K is 5pm – 6pm
L-Z is 6pm – 7pm

For returning players, please wear your practice pinneys.

I have attached this week’s practice plan for you so you know what we’ll be doing.

See you Sunday!

~Coach Jay

The document Passing_Catching_Footwork_1v1.pdf was attached to this post.

Good Morning Lady Titan LAX Family,

The Chiefs are SuperBowl Bound!!!! We know what that means….no indoor practice on Superbowl Sunday (7 FEB).

We have a lot going on as we quickly approach the start of the Spring 2021 season. I am going to list out all the important information, so please take a moment to read all of this below.

- The Spring season will officially begin on Monday 1 MARCH. We will start the outdoor practices on that date. Practices will be Monday – Thursday from 5pm to 7pm. (Before we move the clocks ahead for daylight savings, it will be from 5pm to Dusk). Our practice field will be the field along the tree line right behind the tennis courts.

- Varsity Tryouts will be from 1 MARCH – 4 MARCH

- The first week of games will be the week of 22 MARCH. That will give us 3 full weeks of practices before the games start. The regular season will be 22 MARCH – 7 MAY. Our target is to play 10 games in that time frame (5 home, 5 away).

- Spring Break is 29 MARCH – 2 APRIL. We will not have any games during that week. We normally don’t have practices either, but if the Seniors on the team want to coordinate something, the coaching staff is all for it.

- Playoffs will be on the week of 10 MAY. (Location TBD)

So, that’s our league calendar…so here’s a to-do list for everyone that must be completed before the first practice on 1 MARCH.

- Make sure you have completed the Online Registration on Teampages
- Make sure your US Lacrosse membership is current and will NOT expire before 15 MAY 2021
- Make sure you have a current Sports Physical uploaded on the LSW PRIVT website. If you have any questions about PRIVT, please let me know.
- Make sure you have paid your dues. The LSW LAX Board will be sending out invoices soon to everyone. If you are comfortable paying online, please make sure you have an app like Venmo or CashApp ready. The invoice will tell you which one of the apps is the preferred app for you to use. If you would rather pay via check, we will have the ability for the player to drop off payment to our LSW Faculty sponsor (Lauren Stewart).

One last note before I let everyone go. I was notified a couple of weeks ago that we will be losing our home stadium to construction starting 14 APRIL. I will be first to tell you that this absolutely stinks, and I don’t like it, and I don’t understand why it could not wait until the summer…but feeling that way and asking those questions is not going to change it…so here’s what we are trying to accomplish. i have asked the KC Metro League scheduler to try to schedule as many home games for us on the front end of the season so we can hopefully get most (if not all) of our home games in before we lose our stadium. This may cause an issue with Senior Night being so early in the season, but we just have to roll with the hand we’ve been dealt. I appreciate everyone’s flexibility and patience with this one…totally outside of our control.

That’s it for now…as things change, I’ll be sure to pass along the information. Please take care of your to-do list, and I look forward to seeing you on this Sunday afternoon for indoor practice.

~Coach Jay

Good Morning Lady Titan LAX Family,

Sorry for the late weekly email. I just wanted everyone to know that we will NOT be having practice on Sunday. I repeat…this Sunday’s indoor practice is CANCELED because we will all be cheering on our Kansas City Chiefs in the AFC Championship game.

Enjoy your week off of practice. Get a stick in your hand…practice your fundamentals. Get some running in too. See you in 2 weeks!

Go Chiefs!
~Coach Jay

For all of those going to practice tonight, remember that the times are pushed back just like last week. 6pm – 8pm. I have attached tonight’s practice plan.

Go Chiefs!!!

~Coach Jay

The document Passing_Catching_Footwork_1v1.pdf was attached to this post.

Team Record






Last Five Games
Fri, May 01 at St. Teresa's Acad... ( Stats )
Fri, May 01 at St. Teresa's Academy ( Stats )
Wed, Apr 29 vs. Blue Valley ( Stats )
Wed, Apr 29 vs. Blue Valley JV ( Stats )
Wed, Apr 22 at Notre Dame de Sio... ( Stats )