

Introduction to Handstand Canes: What They Are and How They Benefit Handstand Practitioners

Posted by Michael Page on May 16 2024 at 10:42AM PDT

Handstand canes, also known as hand balancing canes or handstand blocks, are specialized equipment designed to aid practitioners in mastering the art of handstands. These canes typically consist of two upright poles with a wide base for stability and hand grips at the top for the practitioner to hold onto while performing handstands. Handstand canes come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of handstand enthusiasts.

Improved Balance and Stability

One of the primary benefits of using handstand canes is the enhanced balance and stability they provide to practitioners. By gripping onto the canes, practitioners can distribute their weight more evenly and establish a solid foundation for their handstand practice. This increased stability allows practitioners to hold their handstands for longer durations and perform more advanced variations with greater control and precision.

Reduced Wrist Strain

Handstand canes are specifically designed to alleviate strain on the wrists, which is a common concern for handstand practitioners. By elevating the hands off the ground and providing a neutral wrist position, canes help reduce the risk of wrist injuries and discomfort during handstand practice. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who have pre-existing wrist issues or limited wrist mobility.

reater Range of Motion

Another advantage of handstand canes is the increased range of motion they offer to practitioners. By elevating the hands higher off the ground, canes allow for deeper shoulder and thoracic spine extension, facilitating better alignment and form in the handstand position. This expanded range of motion not only enhances the aesthetic quality of the handstand but also promotes overall joint health and flexibility.

Versatility in Training

Handstand canes are versatile training tools that can be used for a variety of hand balancing exercises and drills. In addition to traditional handstands, practitioners can use canes to practice handstand push-ups, handstand walks, and other advanced hand balancing skills. This versatility allows practitioners to continuously challenge themselves and progress in their handstand practice, regardless of their skill level or experience.

Consider Material and Construction

When selecting handstand canes, it’s essential to consider the material and construction quality. Canes made from durable materials such as wood, aluminum, or steel offer better stability and longevity compared to flimsy or lightweight alternatives. Additionally, pay attention to the grip surface and padding on the canes to ensure optimal comfort and grip during use.

Evaluate Height and Width

The height and width of handstand canes play a crucial role in determining their suitability for individual practitioners. Ideally, canes should be tall enough to elevate the hands comfortably off the ground while providing adequate stability and support. Similarly, the width of the base should be wide enough to prevent tipping over during use but narrow enough to allow for proper hand placement and alignment.

Test Stability and Balance

Before purchasing handstand canes, it’s recommended to test their stability and balance to ensure they meet your specific needs and preferences. Perform a few practice handstands using the canes and assess how they feel in terms of grip, weight distribution, and overall comfort. This hands-on approach will help you make an informed decision and select canes that enhance your handstand practice.


Handstand canes are invaluable tools for handstand practitioners seeking to improve their balance, stability, and overall performance. With their ergonomic design and versatile functionality, canes offer numerous benefits for individuals of all skill levels and abilities. By choosing the right handstand canes and incorporating them into their training regimen, practitioners can unlock new levels of proficiency and mastery in the art of hand balancing.


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