

A problem with my car's exhaust system

Posted by Foxxi Fox on Mar 22 2024 at 05:07PM PDT

Hello everyone! I have a problem with my car’s exhaust system. What is the best way to bond the exhaust pipes together? Does anyone have any experience with this issue?


2024-03-26T12:38:12.000-07:00March 26 2024, at 12:38 PM PDT, Nikki Reed said:

Yes, I have already solved a similar problem of fitting exhaust pipes together . First, it is important to make sure that the exhaust pipes are clean of dirt and rust. After that, I used a special metal glue that can be found in auto stores. It provides a strong bond and stands up well to high temperatures. But if the pipes are too thick or have a large diameter, it is better to use tie clamps. I would also advise you to pay attention to the condition of the exhaust system itself. Sometimes pipes can crack due to corrosion or deformation. It’s best to check and replace damaged areas if necessary before stapling to avoid future problems.

2024-03-26T14:34:55.000-07:00March 26 2024, at 02:34 PM PDT, Alexx Been said:

It is important to have a diagnosis done at an auto repair shop to pinpoint the exact source of the problem. Once there is a definite diagnosis, the problem can be addressed.