

Thinking about creating my own content

Posted by Foxxi Fox on Feb 25 2024 at 02:39PM PST

Hi everyone!!! I’ve been thinking about creating my own content for a long time, but always put it off. Now I’ve made up my mind and want to find the best platform for it. What platforms would you recommend for a beginner content maker?


2024-02-26T11:23:56.000-08:00February 26 2024, at 11:23 AM PST, Nikki Reed said:

It’s a great solution to start creating content. There are many platforms out there that can fit different needs and preferences. I recently came across a blog , where they published a review of the best platform for content creation in 2024. They review various aspects of the platform such as functionality, usability, pricing, etc. I think this review will be useful for you. It contains a lot of information that will help you make an informed choice and choose the platform that best suits your goals and needs.

2024-02-27T05:36:48.000-08:00February 27 2024, at 05:36 AM PST, Alexx Been said:

Hi, glad to see a newcomer to the world of content. Choosing a platform depends on a lot of factors: what type of content you plan to create, your target audience, technical skills and so on.

2024-03-15T07:02:35.000-07:00March 15 2024, at 07:02 AM PDT, John Smith said:

I’m not well versed in different platforms for creating content, and it probably matters what kind of content interests you. Obviously, developers don’t need texts, and designers don’t need codes or music.

2024-03-15T07:45:04.000-07:00March 15 2024, at 07:45 AM PDT, Maximilian Grand said:

It probably makes sense to google what tools, apps and platforms there are now, where you can use the capabilities of AI for your own purposes. By the way, have you heard of top AI influencers? I think this is more relevant for brands and various companies that can work with such influencers, but you can follow their blogs.