

Remove mold

Posted by Foxxi Fox on Apr 28 2023 at 06:52AM PDT

I recently encountered a mold problem in my home. I have tried cleaning it myself, but it still keeps showing up again and again. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that can help me get rid of this problem?


2023-04-28T06:59:15.000-07:00April 28 2023, at 06:59 AM PDT, Nikki Reed said:

I had this problem too and decided to remove it with vinegar. I just poured some vinegar into a spray gun and treated all the areas where the mold was. It worked well and the mold didn’t show up again.

2023-04-28T07:01:01.000-07:00April 28 2023, at 07:01 AM PDT, Alexx Been said:

I have heard that one of the most effective methods is to use hydrogen peroxide. This product can kill mold and prevent it from reappearing. It is also important to understand that the cause of mold can be related to the humidity in the room, so you need to pay attention to ventilation and humidity. But if you want to get rid of mold, not temporarily, but permanently, I recommend contacting the experts. I found a company that does mold removal in Newark and they handled my problem very well. I recommend contacting them.