

Top Tips to Effectively End an Expository Essay | 2023

Posted by Adam Knight on Jan 27 2023 at 01:09AM PST

There are three parts that make up an essay. These three parts are an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part of the essay needs to be written effectively. When writing an essay, students tend to put a lot of emphasis on the introduction and the body of the essay. Students usually forget to put the same emphasis on their conclusion too, which leaves the essay ending rather abruptly. 

There are many types of essays that you will write throughout your academic life. One type of essay, which you will spend a lot of time on, is known as an expository essay. Like any other essay, an expository essay also has three essential parts i.e. introduction, body, and conclusion. This article will first explain to you what an expository essay is. This article will also help you understand how to effectively write a conclusion for your essays.

If you are having trouble writing your essays then you should get in touch with an essay writer. These writers are trained professionals that can help you with writing an effective conclusion for your essays, as well as a perfect introduction.

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What is an expository essay?

If your teacher or professor asks you to write an expository essay, then they are asking you to investigate and do research on a specific idea. That is actually the purpose of an expository essay. Once you have selected an idea, you need to do research on it and provide evidence that either supports or refutes the idea. Your main goal is to use the evidence you have gathered to make an argument that is related to the idea.

An expository essay may sound tricky but it can be simplified for better understanding. Just think of it as a compare and contrast essay but with extra steps. Like other essays, you need a solid introduction where you present your idea. The last sentence of your essay needs to be the thesis statement. This statement should explain your body paragraphs that will come after the introduction

Each body paragraph you write should begin with a nice topic sentence. The topic sentences will be the focus of your body paragraphs. The claims made in the topic sentences need to be backed up with evidence from both primary and secondary sources. 

Remember to use effective transitions in all three parts of your essay. Transitions are the cement that holds your essay together. Without them, the essay will fall apart. Transition words also help the reader of your essay understand the flow of the essay. 

Even though your expository essay is an example of academic writing, you should still be creative. Creativity helps leave a lasting impression on the reader. If you want to make a good first impression, then be creative while writing your expository essay. Just remember you are not writing a science fiction novel so do not go overboard with creativity

Now that you know what an expository essay is, let us look at how you can write an effective conclusion for it. The following section should help you answer the question, ‘How should I write my essay to make it look effective and impressive?’

How to write a proper conclusion for expository essays?

Conclusions are usually the last paragraph at the end of an essay. An effective conclusion paragraph can change how the reader sees your work. The conclusion can also play a big role in convincing the reader to adopt your way of thinking. These are the main reasons why you should know how to write an effective conclusion

Even though the reader will read the conclusion of your essay at the end, this does not mean that you should not pay attention to it. The following tips will help you in writing a great and effective conclusion for your expository essays

Start your conclusion with a paraphrased version of the thesis statement. This will help in connecting the conclusion of your essay with the introduction of your essay

Use the introduction as a template for your conclusion. You should mention the significance and the purpose of the essay in the conclusion to reinforce the idea for the reader

Summarize the information that you have already mentioned in your body paragraphs. Do not go into too much detail. Keep it short and sweet by only listing the main points that have already been discussed in the body paragraphs

A conclusion is no place to add extra information. Any information regarding the topic needs to be added in the body paragraphs. You should just summarize the information you have mentioned in the body of the essay and not anything new to it

Write a proper closing sentence that appeals to the emotions of the reader or provides a suggestion. This choice is up to you

Still, having trouble writing a great and effective conclusion for your essay? Get in touch with an essay writing service as they can help you write and also proofread your previous essays.

Now that you know what an expository essay is and how you can write an effective conclusion for it, it is time you start practicing on your own. Practice makes perfect so keep practicing until you get the hang of it. Once you do, you will be writing the best expository essays, with an effective conclusion, out there. Come back and give this article another read if you get stuck anywhere.

However, If you need help with essay writing, then contact an expert paper writing service for help if you can write your essay on your own. 

More Resources:

Major Mistakes to Avoid when Writing your Thesis: Guide- 2022

Some Tips for Writing Efficient & Effective Body Paragraphs – 2022

Learn How To Write an Engaging and Social Cause Essay In 2022

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