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What to do so that the wife does not reveal betrayal?

Posted by Alan White on Jan 30 2023 at 01:11PM PST

Yes, I have long dared to have a novel with another. Many men will understand me, because it is love adventures that allow us to feel special and confident in our own abilities. I do not know why we are so hated for this behavior, it was previously the norm to have many women. But well, all I need a few tips on how to hide betrayal from my wife.


2023-01-30T13:32:50.000-08:00January 30 2023, at 01:32 PM PST, Finn Smith said:

When answering your rhetorical question, I will say that the world is not in place but we need too long to get rid of the habits created by thousands of years. My recommendation will be simple, this article https://wissedate.net/how-to-cheat-on-your-wife/ will find all the answers in each described item that will help keep your novel with another in secret from your wife.