

play old console games

Posted by Alan White on Dec 06 2022 at 11:42AM PST

Can you still play old console games now? Of course, I really like everything new that is released now. However, sometimes I want to play older games.


2022-12-06T11:55:50.000-08:00December 06 2022, at 11:55 AM PST, Finn Smith said:

Wow, I can say that I’m a big fan of old systems too. Even if I buy myself a Commodore or even a PSP Go to play good old games, because I personally like them and I don’t know why. For me it’s like going back to my childhood and reliving all those memories I had as a kid. Eh. Those were really good times for me.

2022-12-06T12:00:34.000-08:00December 06 2022, at 12:00 PM PST, Dan Williams said:

It’s a cool topic. I was also surprised and still have the opportunity to play old console games. Now at least I know what I need to continue enjoying it.