

How to recognize manipulation in a relationship?

Posted by Alan White on Nov 23 2022 at 10:30AM PST

How to recognize manipulation in a relationship? Because when a girl directly tells me to buy her a dress, because otherwise she will not talk to me, it is clear that this is manipulation. But there are other scenarios of mind games in female performance. Share your experience how to recognize them?


2022-11-23T11:49:42.000-08:00November 23 2022, at 11:49 AM PST, Finn Smith said:

Good afternoon. Indeed, there are many ways of manipulation in relationships. This is a change of mood when a person does not get what he wants, and disruption of plans, for some false reasons, imitation of illness, distortion of the meaning of words. In general, it all comes down to the fact that the manipulator enjoys your suffering. If you feel that your partner is happy when you are unpleasant, then I advise you to urgently read this article It describes all the causes of manipulation and how to deal with them. You will definitely be interested to know.