

dating a women with kids

Posted by Alan White on Oct 20 2022 at 04:25AM PDT

Good afternoon. I have been dating a woman for about several months, and only now I found out that she was married and had children from the marriage. At first I was nervous about this news, but when I calmed down I thought that maybe I have a lot of imaginary fears, and they may not even happen to me. Therefore, I am interested to know the experience of someone who has met such women and can advise me what to do and how to behave properly.


2022-10-20T04:34:18.000-07:00October 20 2022, at 04:34 AM PDT, Finn Smith said:

Hello. I know that it is difficult to accept the idea that there are not two people in your couple, but four. And that from time to time children will draw more attention of their mother to themselves, and you need to be prepared for this. You can read about all the nuances of a relationship with a woman who has children in my opinion in a cool article just on the topic of dating a women with kids and decide how to deal with her and the children, or understand that you are not ready for such a relationship. The main thing is to ask yourself real questions and find the answer to them yourself. Because the responsibility for our actions lies only with ourselves.