

Do you like snap chat?

Posted by Alan White on Jun 27 2022 at 01:08AM PDT

I think it is easy to develop an application that will be much better than snap chat. How do you think?


2022-06-27T15:26:10.000-07:00June 27 2022, at 03:26 PM PDT, Finn Smith said:

You can always do something better. This is the essence of program development and improvement. It should be understood that the emergence and creation of the best mobile applications and their alternatives is possible only if the customer and the developers of any application create an application that solves user problems. By the way you can here learn more how to create an app like snapchat.

2022-06-27T16:23:28.000-07:00June 27 2022, at 04:23 PM PDT, Dan Williams said:

Honestly, no one liked this application. to me many UX / UI there are not convenient. So I think you should really improve these applications and do something new and interesting to win the Snapchat audience.