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Team Manager Information

Posted by Sandie Day on Feb 29 2012 at 04:00PM PST
This section is to be used to provide Team Managers with useful information. If you have suggestions for content please email sjwslsecretary@gmail.com

To register a team: https://forms.gle/ikHNkhtpXSedcbGv7

Player Requirements

For a participant to be considered a legal player, three things need to happen.

Team manager notifies the league that a particular player is rostered to their team. This can be done during the initial team registration. Changes (additions/deletions) to the team roster should be emailed to the league at sjwslsecretary@gmail.com.
Player must complete and submit an online Player Waiver prior to any activity with the team.
Player must manually complete and sign a venue roster at the field prior to play.


Player Waiver:
The Player Waiver is required for players rostered to a team. The online Player Waiver (PW) is available on the website or by request to the league Secretary. Rostered players may access the Player Waiver by clicking on the “Player Waiver” link . Submitted waivers are automatically stored and are date- and time-stamped. 

A participant may only be rostered to one team and thereby submit only one active waiver per season. If the player’s team affiliation changes, a new waiver is required. The most current waiver will be considered active.

Separate waivers are required for participation in any of the other sponsored events. Submission of a PW does not waive, change, or modify the requirement of individual online registration for other events.

Sign-up days (Waiver):
Players looking for a team to join may participate in a Sign-up Day and separate online registration/waiver is required for each Sign-up Day attended. The Sign-up Day Registration form can be found by clicking on “New to SJWSL? Join a Team Here.” Submission of the Rostered Player Waiver noted above is not required for Sign-up Day participation. (The PW is completed once rostered to a team.)

This is created from the online waiver form.  It is good for the calendar year.  If any information changes (different team, contact #, etc.) a new form must be filled out prior to the first game you play (insurance reasons). This roster is used to verify league Participant Waivers on file.

As a volunteer-run league your assistance is needed to encourage your players to sign up early. The main venues for team volunteers are Play Days, Give Softball a Try Days, fundraisers, and other league events. Only participants who volunteer in advance and are confirmed by the activity coordinator will receive team credit for their service.

Online pre-registration for volunteers is required. Volunteers will need to submit a separate registration form for each event where they are volunteering. Online registration is available at the Volunteer Here link.

Once the season’s teams registrations are confirmed, team managers will be given access to see who has volunteered for each event and how many volunteer hours their team has accumulated. 

Team Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtF8pTjo-Gniiw50rYpl0Ephx-54uAEAbU6rPvaldFGiXmUw/viewform?usp=sf_link



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