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Opening Day- May 2nd

Posted by Christina Woodward at Apr 29, 2021 11:55AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Just a reminder Opening Day is this Sunday, May 2nd.  The road by the Ice Arena to go through the park is now open, but the hill up to the fields is still closed.  

Please remember BOTH pages of the waiver/roster must be signed by ALL players on your team.  It’s best if the manager writes all of their players on both pages then the player just needs to find their name to sign and put their birthdate.   Failure to do so will result in a $50 fine and all games played resulting in forfeiture.  No other rosters will be accepted.  All players must be 18 years of age by the start of the season without exception. Rosters have a limit of 25 players.  Please put them in the drop box on the side of the concession stand by field 2/baseball field after your last game of the day.  We will not be accepting late waivers or players you want added after they have already been turned in.  I have to turn them into the county on Monday.

Please make sure the lineup cards have your team name and the opposing team name listed.  All players must have FIRST AND LAST names on the lineup cards and the subs must be listed at the bottom.  At the end of the game please make sure the umpire’s lineup card has the subs you used marked as played and sign the back of the lineup confirming that.  If a sub is not marked as playing on the lineup, but they did play there will be no exception made and that game will NOT count towards an eligible game for playoffs.

All bats used must be tested and have a 2021 sticker, NO EXCEPTIONS!  If a player is caught using an illegal bat, the team will forfeit the game, incur a $50 fine, and the player will be suspended for the remainder of the season.  All female bats must be clearly marked with two stripes of highly visible tape above the handle grip. No unmarked bats are permitted.

Bat testing will be done at the pavilion on field 2 from 12:00-2:00pm only. 

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2020 Summer Eligible Player List

Posted by Christina Woodward at Aug 18, 2020 5:53AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2020 Summer Eligible Player List

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2020 Summer Playoff Bracket

Posted by Christina Woodward at Aug 18, 2020 5:52AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Attached is the 2020 Summer Playoff Bracket.

Top 8 Teams that made playoffs

1. Highland
2. Jimmy K’s (Beat Zooky’s H2H)
3. Zooky’s
4. Thundercats (Beat Hooligans H2H)
5. Hooligans
6. Bandits (Beat Li’l Joe’s H2H)
7. Li’l Joe’s
8. Brady’s Run Fitness (3 way tie; beat Masterbatters & Tusca H2H)