
Join our team!

Posted by UltraCore Power on Jan 16 2020 at 10:00AM PST

ADVENTURE RACING is the ultimate race of human endurance ever. Teams of four athletes race non-stop, day and night, through courses up to 800km in length. Each course is a unique journey, including legs of mountain biking, trail running, kayaking and rope work. Teams must navigate using map and compass through remote wilderness check-points. They battle not only other teams but extreme fatigue, sleep deprivation, and unpredictable weather. If one team member quits, the entire team is unclassified. Often just reaching the finish line is a victory.

Are you dare to join?
Male UltraCore


2020-04-06T07:23:11.000-07:00April 06 2020, at 07:23 AM PDT, nath scoth said:

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.
Ultracore Power & Talk