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Posted by Ericha Webb at Dec 7, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
What is ARM I’ve purchased ARM, now how do I install it? How long will it take to download ARM? Do I need my confirmation number? Does it populate my eteamz site? Is ARM compatible with a Macintosh? What are the computer requirements for downloading the software? I need additional help. Is live help available? What is ARM? Active Roster Management software (ARM) is a software product that organizes your league and roster information off-line. It allows you to keep complete records of players and volunteers in an electronic format. back to top I’ve purchased ARM, now how do I install it? Once you pay for the software (step 3) you will be taken to the next step which is “Print Receipt”. Here, you will receive a confirmation number (ex: 1234567-123456789999) and a link to download the software ( Go to the download link, enter your confirmation number (ex: 1234567-123456789999) and click “Begin Download”. A File Download box will pop-up and ask you what you’d like to do, click “save”. Select where you would like the software to be saved to, and click “save”. The file will begin downloading. Once the download is complete (up to 15 minutes on a high speed internet connection, up to 2 hours on a dial-up) double click on the file (located where you selected to save it) and click “Setup”. Enter the “Password” (confirmation number) and click “ok”. It will begin extracting files. The Install Wizard will pop-up, click “next”. The License Agreement will appear. After reading it, select “yes”. Select the folder where you would like the Setup file to install (default is your C Drive) and click “next”. Select a Program Folder name and click “next”. In order for the download process to complete, you will need to restart your computer. Select whether you would like to restart your computer now or later, then click “Finish”. Congratulations, you have downloaded ARM! back to top How long will it take to download ARM? The download is approximately 21 MB in size. We estimate the following download times: LAN: 3-5 Minutes DSL/Cable Modem: 5-9 Minutes Dial Up: 1-3 hours back to top Do I need my confirmation number? It is very important that you print your receipt which contains your confirmation number (Step 4 "Print Receipt"). If you lose or misplace this number we cannot give it to you. You will need your confirmation number twice; once during the initial download and again when the download is complete (as your "password"). back to top Does it populate my eteamz site? We just came out with an import feature on PLUS sites. You can import up to 1000 members at a time using AFTF format within the Members section of your Admin Access folder. You can export your ARM data to AFTF format by going to "Export" then "export data to AFTF". back to top Is ARM compatible with a Macintosh? No, it is not compatible with a Mac. back to top What are the computer requirements for downloading and using the software? ARM is compatable with Windows 98 and above. back to top I need additional help. Support is offered through the Message Boards and email only. Please note, we will only assist with questions not available in the help file and here in the FAQ's.. back to top Is live help available? No, we do not offer phone support. Support is offered via the Message Boards and email only. Be sure you also use the Help file within the software. back to top
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Posted by Alana Peters at Dec 5, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Run & Print reports right from ARM - for players, volunteers, sponsors... print mailing labels, registration forms... and more!

View a generated report
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Posted by Alana Peters at Dec 5, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
This is an example registration form generated from ARM's report screen.   go back to product menu

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Posted by Alana Peters at Dec 5, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Setting up divisions is easy!   go back to product menu