

Posted by Ericha Webb on Dec 02 2002 at 04:00PM PST
Active Roster Management (ARM) Software is available to all recreational sport administrators however, we know that many Little League Administrators are interested in the product, so we have tried to anticipate questions specific to YOUR needs. If you have additional questions, be sure to check out our main Support Page What is ARM? As a Little League Administrator, do I need ARM? I have myteam desktop, and I want to use the files contained there, what do I do? The old administrator has the myteam desktop on his computer. He is no longer part of the league. What now? How do we transfer information to next year's Player Agent/Information Officer? I am using Online Registration, can I import that information into ARM? Can I pay by means other than a credit card? Does ARM “sync” with my eteamz site? What if I want to import ARM information anyway into my eteamz site? Submitting Rosters to the LLB Data Center What is ARM? Active Roster Management software (ARM) is the next generation of the "myteam desktop" software. It is an optional software product that can be used to organize league and roster information off-line. It allows you to keep complete records of players and volunteers in an electronic format. This software is not needed to operate a Little League Official web site, Online Registration, or to submit information to the LLB Data Center. back to top As a Little League Administrator, do I need ARM? No, ARM is an optional product that is similar to many other commercially available products. It is not required to use any of the components of the Little League Network. You will need to have your roster information in some sort of electronic format to submit to the LLB Data Center. We have tried to make the Data Ceter as flexible as possible. The following formats can be used; 1. excel spreadsheet 2. output from Active online registration 3. output from Active Roster Management 4. output from other Little League approved software products such as League Organizer. back to top I have myteam desktop, and I want to use the files contained there, what do I do? If you are using myteam desktop and want to continue using the information that is stored within it (myteam.mtd file), there are several options. 1.You can upgrade to ARM -- all of the information contained within your old desktop product will be carried over. 2.Purchase All American Sportsware’s League Administration Software (LAS). The latest version of this software has a utility to import data directly from the old myteam desktop. If you would still like to use your myteam desktop, that's fine. But keep in mind that you can not "export" information to the LLB Data Center for official roster submission. In addition, support is not offered for myteam desktop. back to top How do I transfer information to next year's Player Agent/Information Officer? There is a new feature of ARM that allows you to export your data to a .csv file. At the end of the season, you could share this file with the new Player Agent/Information Officer. He/she can then make the determination as to whether or not they would like to use ARM. They may want to use another software product such as All American Sportware or Excel. The choice will be up to them, but they will have the data you entered for this season. back to top I am using Online Registration, can I import that information into ARM? ARM is a very nice compliment to our online registration services, allowing Admins the ability to download information collected online easily into ARM. Then they can combine their online information with their offline information in one place. Go to for more information. back to top The old administrator has the myteam desktop on his computer. He is no longer part of the league. What now? If you would like to re-use the myteam desktop data, you will need to install ARM on the same computer you have myteam desktop. back to top Can I pay by means other than a credit card It is required that you provide credit card information to purchase ARM. Currently we do not accept alternate billing options. back to top Does ARM “sync” with my eteamz site? The “sync” feature has been removed from the product. Websites are no longer involved with roster submission. Therefore, it is not required for you to enter existing roster information into your new Little League Network website ( In this new set-up we have broken apart the website functionality and the roster submission functionality. You may choose to enter some roster information on your league site (or each team may create a site and enter their own roster info) but that is up to you. back to top What if I want to import ARM information anyway into my eteamz site? Currently, you cannot import an ARM file into eteamz. We realize how popular this feature may be, so we are working on ways to include this. We suggest assigning multiple administrators to assist you if you would like to enter roster information on the website. You can also assign a member to access only one team or league sub-site (a team coach or manager for example). For more information, please visit: back to top Submitting Rosters to the LLB Data Center Open ARM, then go to Import/Export on the tool bar and select "Export data to...csv date file". Select the location where you'd like to save the file. Your file is now saved as the date you created it (For example, "ARM20030205" if you created it on Feb. 5th). You can now import your file to the LLB Data Center at back to top


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