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Jr/Sr, Majors & Minors Baseball and Softball

Posted by South Kingstown Little League on May 30 2020 at 10:01PM PDT in 2020 Spring Season

05-30-2020: Season update for Juniors, Seniors, Majors & Minors Baseball and Softball! Since the Governor announced June 1st as the official date youth sports can begin, we are waiting for confirmation from the town that we can begin practices on Saturday, June 6th, with games proposed to begin July 1st and the season running until mid August. A few important things to note:

  • You will hear directly from your team’s manager this week with your player’s practice schedule.
  • After Monday, June 8th, players will no longer be able to opt-out for a refund. The rosters are set for each team, and since our season is starting later than usual, we appreciate your player’s commitment to the season which will span most of the summer. Since camps, activities and beaches will all be opening around the same time, we want to make note that your player’s commitment to the team is important and players must be present as often as possible to be fair to their teammates, coaches and managers since the team relies on all players at practices and games.
  • As part of the uniform, all players will receive a face covering to be worn as outlined in the Governor’s guidelines. The face-covering is not required when players are in the field of play but is required anytime they are not actively playing. We ask your player to wear these anytime they come to practice.
  • SKLL has purchased activewear face coverings for all players to ensure consistency and safety. The coverings we purchased can be worn over the face when needed and left around the neck while playing. It was important for us to provide something the players could keep on them throughout the practice or game. This will minimize the opportunity for players to lose them while playing and mitigate the possibility of cross-contamination. All players will receive one as part of their uniform.
  • All spectators and visitors to the fields must also wear face coverings and maintain 6 feet distance from non-family members.
  • We are also recommending each player have his/her own helmet this year. If that is not possible for you, we will have helmets to loan out.
  • Players cannot share equipment such as gloves or helmets. Players are encouraged to use their own bat, but team bats will be provided and wiped down after each use.

SKLL is utilizing the published CDC guidelines (linked here) for youth sports which was recognized Thursday by Governor Raimondo, as well as Little League’s best practice guidance (linked here) and we have prepared the following safety plan specific to our League that will be in place for our players, coaches and volunteers so that families will be assured of a safe return to Little League baseball and softball.

SKLL COVID-19 Safety Plan for Practices

  • Each field will be limited to a maximum of 15 persons (including players and coaches) at a given time.
  • Practice times on weekends at the same field will be spaced by 30 minutes to allow the field space to completely clear out prior to the next team arriving. During the week, there will be only one late afternoon/evening practice held on each field.
  • Parents/Guardians will be instructed to remain in their vehicles during drop-off and pick-up from practices. The team managers will safely dismiss the players to the parents when the practice is complete.
  • Players are not to attend practice if they are sick. Players will screened each time they arrive for practice and asked if they are not feeling well and/or have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19. SKLL will also follow contact tracing guidelines from the State and will keep a log with the date/times/location/player and coach names in attendance at each practice. Should a player become sick, please contact your team’s manager and let him/her know.
  • Face Masks will be worn by all coaches and players. Players will not wear masks during active play. SKLL has purchased activewear face protection for all players and coaches.
  • Dugouts will not be used during practice. Players will have a designated “station” outside of the fence along the respective 1st/3rd baseline, 6 feet apart from each other where their gear can be placed during practice.
  • Managers/Coaches will be provided with an ample supply of hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes, which have been purchased by SKLL, to have at each practice.
  • No Sunflower Seeds (spitting not allowed), gum chewing or food will be allowed at practices.
  • Equipment: Personal equipment will not be shared between players. Any team equipment used will be wiped down or sprayed with disinfectant once a player is done using said equipment.
  • Each player will have their own personnel labeled water bottle not to be shared.
  • No team huddles will be allowed.

Once we move closer to in-house game play (Governor’s Phase III) we will have an additional safety plan addressing other pertinent components that we will share with our SKLL families. We welcome any questions regarding these guidelines and our policies moving forward. Please feel free to email us at info@skll.org or check with your team manager if you have any questions.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through this most unprecedented time. We hope you know the welfare and safety of all players in our league is of the utmost importance to us and we appreciate your ongoing support as we start the season. We look forward to seeing you all again on the field very soon!


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