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Just In Time for Opening Day… Here Comes the Sun!

Posted by Mike Ruthenberg on Jan 20 2005 at 04:00PM PST in Spring 2016
The season is officially under way and the only thing better than opening day is to have three of them!!! Due to soggy fields, some games were played Saturday, some Sunday and there are still some 'Opening Day' games to be played on Tuesday. Come on out and support our Hilltoppers for some mid-week ball! Many thanks to all who made all of our Opening Days both possible and successful! Thanks to Outback Steakhouse for their generosity, hard work and delicious food. Having companies such as Outback, who give back to their local community like this, makes our neighborhood a better place. Thanks to all the many volunteers who put in long hours over the last few weeks (and particularly on Saturday) to prep our fields, decorate the park and make our Opening Ceremonies a special time. The list of those who made a difference on that day is too long to list completely, but Mike Van Cleave, Bill Salonius, Mike Michie, Rhonda Ward, Melinda Murdock, Rita Fisher, Paula Worley, Ross Majam, Dave Granfors, David Hagopian, Joel and Jodi Crow, Mauro and Nico Garcia, Dave and Daniel Pursel, Brooke Hartwell, Troy Keltner, Mike Ruthenberg, Steve Conner, Bob Faudoa and Stacy Holder deserve special recognition. Thanks to all who came early and helped push water and dirt around, so we were able to get some ballgames played on Saturday and Sunday. Virtually no other leagues in San Diego were able to open their seasons or play games on Saturday, and it was because of the spirit and dedication of our Hilltoppers volunteers that we were able to keep it a special day for our kids. And finally, heartfelt thanks to our three marine guests: Lance Corporal William Stevens, Lance Corporal Brian McHale and Corporal Alfredo Martinez. These three fine young men, who have already sacrificed so much, got up early and gave up the better part of their day off to spend some time with us on Saturday. It was a very special time for those of us who had a chance to meet them, and we hope that in some small way it was a special day for them. It was great to see how both kids and parents welcomed them into our Hilltoppers family, and we hope they know they will remain in our thoughts. Enjoy the photos here from Opening Day, and check out some more pictures by clicking on the "Albums" link to the left and then clicking on "Opening Day".imageimage


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