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Make Our League Better...Join Our Board!

Posted by Ken Cicalo on Jul 27 2011 at 05:00PM PDT
“Why Don’t They…”

Have you ever found yourself saying that at a Little League game or function? C’mon admit it. You wondered why THEY didn’t have enough umpires. Why THEY didn’t have the field ready. Why THEY didn’t have the snack bar open yet. It’s only natural to wonder why things aren’t being done right (or at all).
But did you know that Clairemont Hilltoppers doesn’t have one paid employee? This entire league runs on the hard work of dedicated people like you. From coaching, to maintaining the fields, to working the snack bar, to scorekeeping, to being a board member… all of this is done by volunteers!
This makes our league great, but it’s more fun if everyone does their share. On Closing Day, we elected six officers for the 2012 season: President Bill Salonius, Vice President Mike Van Cleave, Secretary Robin Bechtel, Treasurer Adrienne El-Taeb, Player Agent Melanie David and Senior Player Agent Bob Faudoa.
That means all of the other board positions are currently open for the 2012 season, including Safety Officer, Sponsor Coordinator, Information Officer, Umpire-in-Chief, Director of Facilities and Division Reps for each of our league's divisions. If you have interest in helping in any of these areas (or have ideas for new positions to improve CHLL), please contact any of our current board members and make your interest known. If you’ve ever had ideas about how we could make Clairemont Hilltoppers better, this is the way to have your voice heard.
If we all step up and do a little, we can do a lot for our kids.


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