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Posted by John Veneziano on Jun 23 2018 at 05:00PM PDT

Farm League Championship Game: Mariners 11,  Blue Jays 4

Pierce "the Fierce" Burnham brought the big wood to the Mariners' offense in Friday's championship game, going 3-for-3 with three runs scored on the night, including a two-RBI triple in the fourth to deep right field. Damian "the Destroyer" Pagliuca and Vincent "Lightning" Pagliuca both scored two runs and each had a double in the win. Harry "Wheels" Agganis, Charlie "the Champion" Sarno, Cole "the Flash" Donahue, and Ryan "RBI" DiCarlo all had two hits, with Agganis delivering an RBI double in the first inning to get the Mariners off to a good start. Bryce "Boss Man" Fitts, who has been a sensational leadoff hitter all season, rounded out the scoring with one run as part of the Mariners' fourth inning rally.

The Mariners saved their best defense for the final game of the season. The tone was set early by a high fly ball catch made by Agganis in center field that robbed the Blue Jays of their first inning lead-off hit. Jake "JakePotataCake" Barros and Jack "Smiles" Dhimitri added several key plays. Sarno made several key stops and Burnham added a fourth-inning-ending throw to Agganis at home plate for the third out to hold the Blue Jays to a single run. Donahue helped close out the fifth and final inning with a perfect throw to first.

It seems fitting that the Blue Jays and Mariners would meet in the championship game after each team took a win off the other in the regular season. This matchup of two great teams ultimately ended with the Mariners getting the decision after a defensive duel that saw both teams go multiple innings with no runs.



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