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SHLL Sponosrs

Posted by Cinnamon Paula on Mar 10 2014 at 05:00PM PDT

Southern Humboldt Little League is an all volunteer, non-profit organization.  We graciously accept any donations and offer a sponsorship program to be part of this league in different ways.

To sponsor a team please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.  Be sure to include which type of sponsorship you would like to be in the comments.

To be a sponsor of the league and have your banner displayed on the fence at the field please fill out the form below. Returning sponsorship is $125. New sponsorship is $200 or $125 if you would like to provide your own 3'x5' banner.

Team sponosorships are $300 for the season.  Sponsors names are printed on the back of that teams jerseys. 

Thank you for your support!


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