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Forest Hills Little League Day at Shea Stadium - Sunday, June 3rdIMPORTANT NOTE for Parents

Posted by Michael Polikoff on May 26 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
Dear Parents - On Sunday, June 3rd, the New York Mets will be honoring the Little League Teams in District 26. All players attending the game will be allowed on the outfield warning track (see instructions below) during the playing of the National Anthem. All tickets purchased for the Mets game will be distributed at the Fleet Street Fields to each little league team during the game starting the week of May 21st. A league official will come to each game and give the tickets to the parents or their manager/coach. Please contact a league official or your team manager if you were unable to receive your tickets during the week of May 21st. WARNING TRACK INSTRUCTIONS: Thank you for participating in the Forest Hills Little League Day at Shea Stadium. To make this event enjoyable and so that we can present your team in a professional manor, players and coaches lining up on the warning track for the National Anthem are asked to follow the following instructions. Please arrive at the ballpark in uniform tops and hats no later than 12:00PM. Allow ample time (20+ minutes) for stadium traffic and parking. Enter though GATE E with your game ticket and proceed to the right hand side of the lobby. A Mets Group Sales Department employee will direct you to the staging area where the group will be organized according to their team; coaches will assist in this process. Parents are to proceed to their seats. The children will be escorted to their seats afterwards. Only coaches and League Officials will be allowed on the field with the children, sorry no exceptions please. Once assembled into two lines, the group will be escorted to the area behind centerfield. At this point and for security reasons, we ask that the non-uniform members of the group proceed to their ticketed seats to view the event. Approximately five minutes prior to the anthem, the group will be lead by the Mets staff onto the warning track. The Mets staff ask that all participants avoid walking on the grass or touching the outfield wall. Hats should be removed upon the PA announcer's instruction. When the anthem has concluded, the group will be guided off the field and directed to the stadium lobby where they may proceed to their ticketed seats. Very truly yours, The Forest Hills Little League


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