

Hang 10 Moosubee - Hawaiian team rice snack - Jenny Maeda (Oahu)

Posted by Mike OBrien on Aug 08 2009 at 05:00PM PDT

Take 2 cups short grain (sticky) rice and cook as directed

Open can of Spam, discard jelly, cut into thin slices about 1/4 inch thick.

In fry pan brown Spam slices and in last few minutes cook in terryaki sauce (bottled or home made)

Lay out several sheets of Nori for wrapping

Wet your hand and using your hands form the rice into 1/2 inch cakes the same size as the Spam slices.

Sandwich Spam slices between 2 rice cakes and wrap in Nori.

The Nori should wrap all the way around. Secure with a dab of water or some smooshed rice as the glue.

If lucky, you may find a Moosubee form in some local Asian stores.





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