

Recent Rule Clarifications

Posted by Carla Steinmetz on May 07 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
A few rule questions have come up recently. Please click the title to review a consolidated list of those clarifications.
  • We will no longer be permitted to use Minor 1 players at the Majors level.
    • On page 12 of 20, number 21, Majors Division Rules, Number 2, states "Either team may borrow a MILL registered Majors or Minor 1 Division player to play a game if they do not have nine players present. These games will count as official games."
    • Unfortunately, this will no longer be the case. Only Majors players will be permitted to play in Majors games as pool players. Our D.A. called and reiterated this Sunday evening, being an Official L.L. rule.
    • We will just adjust our MILL Local Rules to comply.
  • T-Ball: NO pitching permitted in the T-ball division
    • This is a change to our MILL Constitution and Local Rules. Mandated by Little League and our insurance coverage. All TBall players MUST hit off the hitting tee, no exceptions.
    • Green book rule I.(a).3. page 20
  • Minimum play rule
    • A player must get a minimum one at-bat and two innings (6 defensive outs) in the field. But, if a game is shortened for ANY reason, rain/slaughter rule, this rule will NOT apply.
    • Any player who does NOT play due to a shortened game WILL start the following game, play any previous requirement not completed and the requirement for the new game before being removed.
    • Green book rule IV.(i). page 31
  • Sliding into Home Plate
    • Any runner is out when the runner does not slide OR attempt to get around a fielder who has the ball and is waiting to make the tag.
    • A catcher should not block home plate without possession of the ball. This could be ruled obstruction. This would be a judgment call from the umpire.
    • Green book rule 7.08.(a).(3). page 71
    • Please note: there is NO "mandatory slide" rule.


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