

2008 General Membership Meeting Results

Posted by Carla Steinmetz on Sep 21 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

Good morning all -

Last week, MILL conducted its annual General Membership Meeting at our South Field, 6 PM.  I presented a report pertaining to the condition of our local little league.  A total of fifty-five members in “Good Standing” were eligible to vote.  Twenty-nine members participated within the election process.  Votes were tallied and confirmed by Leon Vetsch, MILL Secretary.  The following individuals have been elected to serve on the MILL Board of Directors effective immediately on October 1st, 2008; 

  • Tom Williams
  • Carla Williams
  • Carla Steinmetz
  • Cindi Vetsch
  • Kevin Frost
  • Eddie Krajewski
  • Margaret Crowder
  • Dave Owens
  • Joe Maldonado
  • Bill Howe
  • Mel Lang
  • Cheryl Avdellas
  • Scott Schenerlein
  • Sonny Pierce
  • Dave Price
  • Jack Luchs

 Our next league meeting, per our MILL Constitution, will be Wednesday, October 1st, 6:30 PM, South Field.  At this meeting, positions/responsibilities will be determined for the upcoming season.  I have provided a brief overview of the following board positions per the Little League Operating Manual.  Please carefully review the following positions which are available;

  • President- Assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league.
  • Vice President- Presides in the absence of the President.  Carries out duties/assignments delegated by the President.
  • Secretary- Records the minutes at meetings, sends out notice of meetings, maintains a record of leagues activities.
  • Treasurer- Responsible for league finances, dispenses checks, keeps league financial records, prepares budget.
  • Player Agent (2)- Conducts annual tryout, oversees draft and player transactions, verifies player documents.
  • Safety Officer- Coordinates safety activities, ensures safety plan is updated, ensures playing conditions are safe.
  • Info. Officer- Maintains league web site, ensures league rosters are uploaded to little League, posts and distributes information to others within the community and league.
  • Coaching Coordinator- Represents coaches/managers in the league, implements training sessions/clinics, and provides training supplies for coaches.
  • Chief Umpire- Presides over league local rules committee, prepares league umpire and practice schedule.
  • Equipment/Facility Manager- Oversees equipment distribution, ensures facilities and equipment are safe.
  • Fundraiser- Designs activities to raise funds for the local league.
  • Concessions (2)- Minimum of two individuals are needed to stock and prepare concession East/South concession areas.
  • Uniforms/Trophies- Responsible for ordering and organizing the distribution of uniforms, trophies.
  • Team Organizer (Mom)- Distributes info to all teams regarding league activities, functions, and events.
  • Scheduler- Prepares league schedule for the season. 

 Once a volunteer expresses interest within a position, the board must ratify with a majority vote.  In addition, we will be forming two committees at the meeting, MILL Local Rules and Constitution.  It would be prudent to have a minimum of 4-5 volunteers per committee.  Each committee will meet to discuss/review possible changes, amendments to both mandated Little League documents.  Our MILL Board of Directors may vote to amend any local rule.  Our General Membership must ratify proposed changes to our Constitution.

 Thanks for your cooperation and consideration.  The success and effectiveness of a local little league is predicated on volunteers.  I’m hoping we can function collectively and cohesively for the children.  If you have any further questions or concerns, please forward.



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