


Posted by Lou Palmer on Feb 28 2007 at 04:00PM PST
18AAA CHAMPIONSHIP CARIBBEAN TIGRES 5 HOME RUN SPORTS ARRIGO DODGERS 1 The Caribbean Tigres won an unprecedented seventh league championship on the strength of a three-run first inning and clutch pitching by Jose Acuna. The Tigres scored on a 2-run single by Andres Rodriguez and a sacrifice fly by Francis Dinzey and that was all Acuna would need. He turned in a complete game performance, striking out nine, and scattering eight hits to win MVP honors. The Dodgers’ only run came in the second when Ryan Ghianda’s two out liner to right field took off in the stiff wind and sailed over the head of Rafael Santana for an RBI double that scored Max Johnson who had singled to left. While the Dodgers had runners on in every inning, Acuna buckled down to strand eleven of them, including three at third base. The Tigres posted single runs off losing hurler Mike Draper in their last two at bats. Santana singled in a run in the 7th, and Christian Taboas had an RBI hit in the 8th. Rodriguez had two hits, two RBIs for the Tigres. Santana, Jose Espino, Acuna, Dinzey, Taboas, Marlon Hernandez, and Nick Adames had one hit apiece. Ghianda led the Dodgers with a double and single. Draper tripled, but was stranded. Billy Campbell doubled, and Geraldo Vasquez, Brian Fitzsimmons Raffy Rodriguez, and Johnson had singles. 18AA CHAMPIONSHIP-LOS LEONES 4 PIRATES 3 Fernando Miranda singled to center in the bottom of the 9th, scoring Louis Rosario with the game winner as Los Leones rallied from a 3-0 deficit to win the 18AA league title. The hit was Miranda’s third of the game. He had a two run double and single. plus a steal and a walk to win MVP honors. The underdog Pirates were on their way to an upset, tallying three in the second oft starter Jesus Ferrer. Dave Flanzbaum, Lucas Scuteri and Mike Plotkowski had RBI hits. Pirates’ starter Blair Breen made it stand up until Miranda’s two bagger in the 5th and Hector Rivera’s RBI single in the 6th tied it at 3-3. Relievers pitched well for both sides. Andres Quiroz (3 2/3 IP) and eventual winner Dennis Rivera (2/3IP) shut down the Bucs on only two hits after the 5th. For the Pirates, Flanzbaum and Chris Johnson induced key double plays. Johnson got the loss, but might have had a better fate, as a sinking liner to short resulted in an error and put the winning run in scoring position. Miranda led all hitters with three hits. Hector Rivera and Quiroz each had two; Uriel Rivera, Anthony Santos, and Rosario one each. Plotkowski, Johnson, Breen and Steve Clappi each had two hits for the Bucs. Flanzbaum and Scuteri each had one. It was the first title game for both teams.


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