

Posted by George Carmack on Mar 08 2010 at 04:00PM PST


Please lock up all gates at Hunt Park if you are the last person there!  

Manager Reminders

 Please maintain your pitching log. Home team is required to fill out and keep official count for both teams.

Single A Managers

 Managers and coaches are allowed to pitch 4 pitches to batter in the Single A division. The purpose of rule is to speed the game and allow batters to maximize at bats.

AAA and Majors

Please do not start a new inning with less than 15 minutes left in the game time. Once the maximum playing time has been reached (2 hours - AAA, 2 hours, 15 minutes-Majors) the game shall stop. If inning not completed the game revert back to previous inning score. If game is tied it will remain a tie.

New Regulation for Catchers 

New Regulation for catchers effective immediately:
Regulation VI – PITCHERS in the Baseball Rule Book has been amended to read, in part:
(a) Any player on a regular season team may pitch. Exception: Any player, who has played the position of catcher in four (4) or more innings in a game, is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.
Summary and Implementation: Beginning immediately, this prohibits a player – who has played the position of catcher in any part of four innings in a game – from being used as a pitcher at any time on that calendar day. This applies to all baseball divisions, and will apply to the International Tournament as well.

Interpretation from District 28:

"Ok, so here's the deal. It doesn't matter if the player catches two innings, then pitches (forty or less) and then returns to catcher. No restriction here. The player can catch beyond a total of four innings. Same with a starting pitcher (forty or less) that moves to catcher, there is no limit on the number of innings that can be caught."

E-mail or call Jim Omoto or Joe Castaneda with any questions.

 Junior & Senior Coaches

MNLL has a 90 feet field available at Alta Murrieta Elementary School. Team may have extra practice when field is available. Please contact Joe Castaneda.  


We are only allowed to use these fields that have been allocated to MNLL by the City of Murrieta: LAHSP, Murrieta Elementary, Alta Murrieta Elementary.  Our insurance and the City of Murrieta's insurance will cover only the fields that we have been allocated.  Also, other organizations have been allocated other fields thoughout Murrieta.  Also any fields outside of the city limits are also not to be used.The manager and/or coaches of any team discovered using unauthorized fields will be suspeneded up to 4 games and not be eligible for any post season play


Majors and below

Bat Performance Factor (BPF) must be printed on the bat of BPF 1.15 (or less).  Bats not meeting this rating requirement, or if the BPF is not printed on the bat, will not be allowed in 2009.


Bats with a diameter of 2 3/4" are no longer permitted in the Junior Division.  This is the only standard at this time for this division.  Bats with a diameter of 2 5/8" or less are permitted.

Senior and Big League

Bats with a diameter of 2 3/4" are not permitted in Seniors or Big League.  Bats with a diameter of 2 5/8" or less are permitted.  The standard is the Ball Exit Speed Ratio (BESR) is the minus 3 requirement.  The weight of the bat minus the length of the bat is how the BESR is determined.


32" bat weighing 29 ounces is a -3 which is allowed.

32" bat weighing 25 ounces is a -7 which is not allowed.


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