

2007 Pitching Rules

Posted by Emily Easley on Oct 09 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

There are changes to score keeping this year. New rules have been put in place and can be viewed here.


1. The scorekeeper shall not yell or cheer loudly from the scorekeeper's booth.
2. The scorekeeper should notify the umpire if teams change sides before three outs.
3. The scorekeeper shall not allow any others (including children) to be inside the scorekepper's booth during a game.
4. The scorekeeper shall not call attention to the umpire or any member of either team to the fact a player is batting out of order.
5. The scorekeeper shall notify the manager/coach of the pitch count when getting close/and when reached the maximum.
6. The scorekeeper needs to note when a player is substituted and when there is a change in pitchers (what inning - what batter).
7. If the gameis protested or play suspended, the scorer should make note of the situation, including the score, outs, runner postitions and the count on the batter.
At the end of each game the home team scorekeeper needs to write the score in the scorebook, have it signed by the umpire and put it back in the basket. You will also need to fill out the pitcher eligibility tracking form in your score book and have the manager sign it.


At the end of each inning, let your manager/coach know how close you are to their pitcher's maximum pitch count see below. You must provide the current pitch count when requested by either manager or any umpire. Warm up pitches and a 'no pitch' is not counted in your pitch count totals. However, you need to include all foul balls or foul tips. The manager is responsible for knowing when his/her pitcher must be removed. If a pitcher reaches his limit for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until that batter reaches base or is put out.
League Age Pitches per day
17-18 105
13-16 95
11-12 85
10-under 75


Pitchers league age 16 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:
If a player pitches 61 or more pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 41 – 60 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 21 – 40 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 1 – 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar days of rest must be observed.
1. A player who has attained the league age of twelve (12) is not eligible to pitch in the minor league. 2. A player may not pitch in more than one game in a day. (except in the big league) 3. The withdrawal of an ineligible pitcher after that pitcher is announced, or after a warm-up pitch is delivered, but before that player has pitched a ball to a batter, shall not be consider a violation.


Minors, Majors, Juniors & Sr. Majors – Each player on the roster must play in each game for a minimum of 6 defensive outs (2 full innings) and a least 1 at bat. If due to a shortened game a player does not get his mandatory play time, that player must start the next game and finish the last game’s required time and the required time for new game before they can be replaced.
Farm – No player can sit out more than 2 innings
When a scorebook is audited they look for minimum play for all players and pitcher eligibility.
The scorekeeper’s job is not only keeping track of strikes, balls, runs and pitches…It involves knowing some rules and alerting your team’s manager if you notice a problem. League officials are urged to take precautions to prevent protested games.
Printable version available here. Pitch Count Form available here


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