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Team Parents

Posted by Emily Easley on Jan 10 2006 at 04:00PM PST

So, what is a Team Parent?

Being Team Parent is really pretty simple and easy. Typically, Team Parents/Team Moms, usually are the liaison person for the team. They help organize information for the team's coaches, pass out any league information to the players and parents, answer or research any questions for their team players or parents. It's a fairly easy role, but if this is your first round, here are some basic simple tips that you may find useful.

  • Every player on the team must complete the Code of Conduct form. It is mandatory that this form be completed and returned to the league, and the league has implemented a NO TOLERANCE policy. No player shall hit, strike or behave in such a manner as to hurt another player, or person. Parents, we ask you please attend to your player displaying unfavorable behavior.

  • It is mandatory that a parent must be scheduled and working in the Snack Bar for every Home Game your team is scheduled. I have found that the easiest way to schedule this endeavor, is to simply alphabetize by player's first or last name, and plot each player's name on a schedule Home game. When I reach the end, I start over again. I leave the responsibility to the parents to reschedule any days they are unable to comply with among themselves. Some teams have often split up this role into 2 shifts so that parents may be able to enjoy watching their child play part of the game. (I often skip scheduling Team Parents/Moms, Scorekeepers and Coaches since they are already volunteering so much of their time as it is.) Usually, when a parent has faulted on their 'duty', it's often the Team Parent that gets stuck fulfilling this shift. It's best to make communication clear and simply let the parents know- "In order for the game to start, a parent must be in the Snack Bar." Someone usually will volunteer.

  • Typically, after each game, there is usually a "Team Snack" for the players for your team. They work hard, and often get hungry/thirsty when it's all over. Many players look forward to this treat. (I use the same method to schedule out the snacks as I do with the Snack Bar duty and I include everyone on the roster.) Usually, this is not ever a problem, however, if the snack has been forgotten, tickets can be purchased at the Snack Bar and passed out to the players. This is often a great way to handle it and parents do not have to lug around a bag full of goodies with them.

  • As Team Parent/Mom, it is your role to pass out any fundraiser event information, collect fundraiser money, and attend any meetings as is scheduled/necessary. Being organized is usually the best tool. For the latest fundraiser events, please visit our Fundraiser Notes page.

  • Of course, players can't play without a uniform, right? As Team Parent/Mom, you are also responsible for collecting and passing out the players uniforms. Players have already provided their sizes at registration, so I often comply a list from the player's registration forms- which the Manager usually have. (At this time, I also create a Player Phone List for the parents.) If there are any uniform issues, please contact Jason Ott for both baseball and softball at 613-5880.

  • In the beginning of the season, a Team Banner needs to be created for Opening Day. Often, you may be the one to tackle this endeavor, but it's fun to incorporate the players in the making of the banner. Often there is a contest for each division. Make it fun and be creative! Typically, only homemade banners are judged.

  • We are asking and stress the need for every parent of a registered player, to volunteer at least 3 hrs of time during the season. This time may be fulfilled in any requirement necessary by the league such as Snack Bar, Field Maintenance & Clean up, etc. Our league operates solely on the efforts of volunteers, and continues to grow. Without you, we would not be such a success.

  • From time to time, you may be asked to "recruit" for open roles that need to be filled for your team- such as Scorekeepers. Ask around, and you may find an experienced individual willing to help. Otherwise, be prepared to fill this role. Please use our Contact Board page for any questions or concerns that may arise.

  • At the end of the season, typically there is a 'year end' celebration or party for your team for their efforts of the season. Some coaches like to make it a grand occasion, others keep it simple, but typically trophies and trinkets are handed out to each player. How, when and where is collaborated among the Coaches, Team Parent/Mom and/or parents. Be creative, be simple, it's your teams call.

Map of Ballpark

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