

2013 Sportsmanship Awards Nominations - April 22 Deadline to Submit

Posted by Robert Villanueva on Apr 11 2013 at 05:00PM PDT

OVLL is proud once again to sponsor the annual Sportsmanship Award! So managers, it’s that time again to select your award recipient for your team.

A few things to keep in mind as you sort through who is deserving on your team. The below ideas have always served as OVLL guidelines for picking each team's award winner.

- Sportsmanship is not defined by talent or skill sets but character, attitude and hustle.
- Who gives encouragement through failures?
- Who is coachable, bringing a positive energy to practices and games?
- Who compliments others in success and is the hardest worker?
- Who is dedicated to the team?

It is widely recognized that Little League Coaches have a tremendous impact on the lives of their players. Coaches have the ability to instill self worth, confidence, and life skills that these individuals will carry with them for years that follow. Please take extra time to reflect on the words you write to describe the recipient, as it will be read outloud to all in attendance.

Many managers in previous years have taken an anonymous vote from the players on the team in addition to the observations and considerations from the coaching staff to aid in making the final decision. The announcement of your chosen one is per your own discretion; as a surprise to the team on April 27, or at a team party.

Either way the name of the player needs to be given for engraving no later than April 22! As the league intends to celebrate the true spirit of sports and competition, please join us by making the deadlines requested and being there on April 27 to present your chosen child the award.

You will be giving a treasured memory! Thanks for all you do!

This 2013 OVLL Sportsmanship Award form may be filled out and sent to or printed and delivered to the folder in the snack bar for Joy Madole no later than April 22! For questions, please contact Joy Madole at (714) 402-6222


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