

Posted by Bryant Jung on Apr 11 2014 at 05:00PM PDT
Greetings OVLL Families,

It's hard to believe we are at the midway point of the season. Spring Break is here and the OVLL tournament and post season will be here before we know it. We have a few news items to report to you.

Little League Age Rule

"Your letters to Little League were heard” were the words from our District Administrator who attended the Little League Baseball International Congress.  "Item 2" on the Congress agenda involved a rule change to the league age determination date, extending the date from April 30 to Dec. 31. Prior to the vote, the Congress was overwhelmed by letters, emails and phone calls from parents across the country, especially from our own West Region District 62, urging the delegates to vote against the rule change.  Little League President and CEO Stephen Keener acknowledged the amount of concern expressed from parents regarding the rule change. As a result, the delegates voted on and passed an amendment to the rule change that it would not go into effect until after a three-year transition period. The amendmended rule was passed.

Recap: The new league age rule goes into effect in 2018
To determine League age, now only the Year your child is born in will be used
In other words, now if your child’s birthday is after May 1, that is the “league age” of your child for the spring season that same year
So 11 year olds who turn 12 on or before Dec. 31, are now league age 12 for that spring season, playing their 12 year old year as an 11 year old
International countries have been playing under this rule. The rule change brings the US into conformity with other countries

We’d like to thank all of our families who wrote to Little League Baseball to express your concerns about the rule change,  Your voices made a tremendous impact on the decision by the Congress to, at least, amend the rule with a three-year period before the change goes into effect. Though we are very disappointed with the rule change, The OVLL Board of Directors is already working on a solution that will enable our league age 13 year olds to continue playing at Ocean View.  

For more info on the voting, go to the Little League Baseball Website: 2014 LLBI Congress Voting Results

OVLL Board applications Interested in volunteering countless hours to support our Little League.  OVLL Board Applications are available on the website.  Please read the description of the positions availible and submit your application if you are interested.  

Sportsmanship Day is coming on 4/26 Ready to celebrate and honor sportsmanship. Our annual league picnic and award celebration is just around the corner.

Cardiac Screenings April 26 at OVHS You’ve read the headlines: a young athlete dies from a sudden cardiac arrest while playing a sport. But did you know that a young athlete dies every three days in the US from sudden cardiac arrest? A tragedy that, for the most part, is preventable through early detection. OVLL is supporting non-profit organization Heartfelt Cardiac Projects that will offer cardiac screenings for kids and their families. On April 26, at Ocean View High School, for only $85 (a value of $1,500 of professional diagnostic services) individuals ages five and up will receive a comprehensive cardiac evaluation to pre-screen for this life-threatening condition. For more info or to sign up for an appointment, view the Cardiac Screening Flyer

Spring Break Camp Lifeletics is offering its professional skill clinics for players in all areas of development. The staff of Lifeletics teaches kids baseball in a fun and positive learning environment to develop players through a fundamentals method. April 14-17 $169 (single); $299 (siblings) Flyer


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