

TOC Highlights Muckdogs v. Dodgers

Posted by Bill Church on Jun 13 2012 at 05:00PM PDT

June 11th, 2012, Minor A Team- The season’s undefeated Muckdog’s dominate the field against the Dodger’s on Monday’s game with the final score of 13 to 0 in just four short innings. Jared Manzo and Riley Shannon demonstrated amazing strength and accuracy on the pitcher’s mound throwing strike, after strike, after strike! The Muckdog's up to bat and the hits just keep on coming… from Tyler Legere’s line drive, to Nick Dagarin’s double, to Jimmy Campbell’s ball almost leaving the park the Muckdog’s rack up the score board. They had 18 stolen bases, three were across home plate. Mitchell Schumacher’s amazing tuck under slide across home kept the fans on the edge of their seat. Stella Ziegler never disappoints, leaping in midair to catch the game closing ball from second. Come see the Muckdog’s in action this Thursday.


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