

Nicholas Barbisan

Posted by Bryant Jung on May 19 2013 at 05:00PM PDT
Name: Nicholas Barbisan
Current Team: Angels
Jersey No: 3
Years at OVLL: 8
Past teams played on: Padres, A's, Cardinals, Lugnuts, Aeros, Redwings, Bats, Angels
Favorite Coach: Muirhead, Webb
High School likely to attend: HBHS
Other sports you play: Basketball, Flag Football, Track
Goals and Aspirations: Hit a homerun
What I will miss about OVLL: Going to the snackbar, seeing my friends, staying for other teams' games
Fondest memory at OVLL: Watching the 2011 OVLL All Stars win the whole thing! Pitching on the Major field and getting the sportsmanship award
OVLL is 50 years old. In 50 years what do you want OVLL to Remember about you: That I am not Hunter Baclig! And that I was a good sport.


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