

4/27 Friday, 5p.m - Muds Hens 5, vs. Express, 4

Posted by Bill Church on Apr 30 2012 at 05:00PM PDT
Minor A Mud Hens took on the Express Friday night in a nail biter. No score in the bottom of the first, Thomas Williams gets the momentum going for the Mud Hens will a strong double. Followed by an RBI from Chance DiMarco, a double from Jag Burden and another great hit from Nick Skorheim to plate Kyle Roeder giving the Mud Hens a 2 run lead. Express comes back swinging and scores one. Third inning, with Nick Skorheim on the mound for the Mud Hens, Express hits a huge pop fly but it's caught by brother Nate Skorheim for the out. Express, Lucas Catano smashes the ball but, solid defense by the Mud Hens holds it to a single. Then, Dylan Youngsma hits a double bringing them into the lead 3 to 2. Mud Hens pour on the defense in the 4th to hold Express with a diving catch from Nick Skorheim for the first out, followed by a relay from Kyle Roeder to Jag Burden for the second and Catcher Chance DiMarco makes the 3rd out as Express attempts to steal home. Mud Hens tie it up on a steal home from DiMarco but Express comes back in the top of the fifth to take a 5-3 lead. Closing pitcher, Thomas Williams strikes out all 3 batters in the top of the 6th. Mud Hens last at bat, trailing by 1 run come back to take the win with a walk off double from Paul Crocker to end the game 5 to 4 Mud Hens.


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