

SGASA 2010 Photo Contest

Posted by Mitch Seime on Feb 20 2010 at 04:00PM PST

This year we are trying to collect as many pictures of our players in action.  So we are hosting a photo competition.  The rules are below:

1. Pictures become league property to be used as deemed appropriate by the league.

2. Pictures will be sent to league webmaster for posting.  Email them to  Pictures must be received by 8PM Sunday evening so they can be posted for viewing.  Late photos will be held until the following week.  Please submit  photos in a compressible or JPEG format.

3. Photos will be available for viewing from Monday to Saturday with the winner posted
on the website on Sunday.  Like American Idol the photo with the most votes wins. The prize for each week will be a $10 gift card to the snackbar.

4. All photos will be entered in an overall vote at the end of season league
party. Again like American Idol the one with the most votes wins. The winner for the season will be on the frontpage of the website for the remainder of the year and the cover of the program.

5. Photos must be of players, coaches, managers related to the league.  Inappropriate photos will NOT be included and will be turned over to the President for any further action.

6. Photo information must include date, information of who is in the picture
(kids names will NOT be posted), and if applicable a caption. An email address and/or phone number must be provided so in event the photo is a winner they can be contacted.

7.  Pictures will be posted following the first week of regular games (starting 28 Feb).  The contest will end the week following the last week of regular games (24 April).

Please contact Mitch if there are any other questions.


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