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Criminal Record Check

Posted by TONY YEE on Nov 05 2011 at 05:00PM PDT
VMBA CRIMINAL RECORD CHECKS  A note of explanation from  your Vancouver Minor Baseball Executive;

   To All adult members of Vancouver Minor Baseball Association. If you volunteer or are employed  in any manner with VMBA , you must now have a criminal record check performed. This must be done  prior to the start of the current baseball season. 

Due to RCMP policies only the Vancouver Police Department will conduct criminal record checks within the Vulnerable Sector Services. 
 Print off the Criminal Record Check Form  or download from handout below, provided by VMBA, go to the VPD at  

2120 Cambie St. with two pieces of ID. (one with a picture).

Once you have paid($25.00), please keep your receipt for reimbursement.

 Please scan your receipt and send it to our risk manager Nadia Borean  or give it to her as proof that this has been done and she will arrange for reimbursement. 

This will be good for 3  years, and it will be noted in VMBA's data base to keep track of who has their up to date Criminal record check done.  If you work in a profession that requires you to obtain a criminal record check please inform us, this may be evaluated on a case by case basis.

If you live outside of Vancouver please email   flame_1010@hotmail.com  and an alternate volunteer letter  can be sent to you for use at your local RCMP detachment.


If you have any further questions feel free to contact Nadia Borean Risk Manager @ nadkevmax@shaw.ca


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