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Posted by TONY YEE on Jun 19 2014 at 05:00PM PDT


Vancouver Minor Baseball Association's

Annual General Meeting

June 26, 2013

Meeting called to order:  8:12pm

Minute Taker:  Nadia Borean

Members in Attendance: 24

  1. Introduction of the Present 2012/2013 Board

    President:  Mary McCann

    Vice President:  Tony Borean

    Co-Treasurer:  Nancy Eng    Co-Treasurer:  Edwin Hoy

    Registrar:  Sue Watkins

    Program Director, Pee Wee Director, Co-Bantam & Midget Director:  Steve McCann

    Co-Bantam & Midget Director and Co-Fundraiser:  Tony Borean

    Co-Fundraiser:  Nadia Borean

    Equipment Manager:  Kevin Christensen

    Field Manager:  Geordie Proulx

    Concession Manager:  Rebecca Stewart

    Mosquito Director:  Robert Wickett

    Co-Tadpole Director:  Cory Nielsen    Co-Tadpole Director: Robert Goldblatt

    Mini-Tad Director: Rob Yuen

    Blastball Director:  Brian Tomei

    Webmaster:  Tony Yee

    Umpire-In-Chief:  Todd Cawthra

  2.  Motion to Accept the 2012 AGM Meeting minutes.

    Jim Stewart motions to accept the minutes, Kevin Christensen seconds.  Carried.

  3. Presidents Message – Mary McCann presented the president address and Tony Borean presented the Vice presidents report.

  4. Treasurers Report – Nancy and Edwin presented financial report.

    Nadia Borean motions to accept financial report, Sue Watkins seconds.  Carried.

  5.  Registrars Report – Presented at the meeting.

  6.  Directors Reports

  • Program Director – Steve McCann presented his report.

  • Blastball Director – Brian Tomei sent in his report.

  • Mini-Tad Director – Rob Yuen sent in his report  (not in attendance).

  • Tadpole Co-Director(s) – Robert Goldblatt sent in his report.

  • Mosquito Director – Bob Wicket's Sent in his report (not in attendance).

  • Pee Wee Director – Steve McCann presented his report.

  • Bantam & Midget Director(s) – Steve McCann’s and Tony Borean presented their report.

  • Park Board Liaison – Mary McCann presented her report

  1.  Managers Reports

  • Concession Manager – Rebecca’s Stewart sent in report.

  • Equipment Manager – Kevin Christensen presented report.

  • Field Manager – Geordie Proulx’s presented report.

  • Umpire Coordinator – Todd Cawthra presented report.

  • Fundraiser Coordinator(s) – Nadia and Tony Borean presented report.






  1.  Board Elections

     Kevin Christensen and Sue Watkins shall be our vote officiators, if required.

    Vice-President – 2 year term – 2013 to 2015

    Tony Borean was nominated by Don Provenzano, seconded by Jim Stewart.

    Tony Borean accepts the nomination,

    As there was no other nominations, Tony Borean is appointed Vice President by acclamation.


    Treasurer – 2 year term – 2013 to 2015

    Nancy Hoy and Edwin Hoy were nominated by Don Provenzano, seconded by Kevin Christensen.  Laura Adamoski was nominated by Nadia Borean, seconded by Cory Nielsen.

    Nancy & Edwin Hoy decide with Laura Adamoski that they will work together for the first year and then Laura will take over (when she is more comfortable with the position).

    Nancy Hoy, Edwin Hoy and Laura Adamoski are appointed Treasurers.


    Program Director – 2 year term – 2013 to 2015

    Steve McCann was nominated by Tony Yee, seconded by Kevin Christensen

    Steve McCann accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Steve McCann is appointed Program Director by acclamation.


    Equipment Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Kevin Christensen was nominated by Jim Stewart, seconded by Edwin Hoy

    Kevin Christensen accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Kevin Christensen is appointed Equipment Manager by acclamation.


    Umpire Coordinator – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Todd Cawthra was nominated by Don Provenzano, seconded by Steve McCann

    Todd Cawthra accepts the nomination but only on the terms that we find help for him or then he declines.


    Concession Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Rebecca Stewart was nominated by Tony Yee, seconded by Kevin Christensen

    Rebecca Stewart accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Rebecca Stewart is appointed Equipment Manager by acclamation.


    Fundraiser Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Nadia Borean and Tony Borean were nominated.

    Nadia Borean and Tony Borean accept the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations.  Both Nadia Borean and Tony Borean are appointed Fundraising Coordinator by acclamation.


    Bantam Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014 (Bantam-Midget are joint but will be run separately).

    Robert Goldblatt was nominated by Nadia Borean, seconded by Tony Yee

    Robert Goldblatt accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Robert Goldblatt is appointed Bantam Director by acclamation.


    Midget Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014 (Bantam-Midget are joint but will be run separately).

    Don Provenzano was nominated by Steve McCann, seconded by Geordie Proulx

    Don Provenzano accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Don Provenzano is appointed Midget Director by acclamation.



    Pee Wee Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Steve McCann was nominated by Sue Watkins, seconded by Don Provenzano.

    Steve McCann accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Steve McCann is appointed Pee Wee Director by acclamation.


    Mosquito Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Jim Stewart was nominated by Sue Watkins, seconded by Geordie Proulx.

    Jim Stewart accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Jim Stewart is appointed Mosquito Director by acclamation.


    Tadpole Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Cory Nielsen was nominated by Jim Stewart, seconded by Kevin Christensen.

    Cory Nielsen accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Cory Nielsen is appointed Tadpole Director by acclamation.


    Mini-Tad Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Brian Tomei was nominated by Jim Stewart, seconded by Kevin Christensen.

    Brian Tomei accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Brian Tomei is appointed Mini-Tad Director by acclamation.


    Blastball Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Nadia Borean was nominated by Kevin Christensen, seconded by Sue Watkins

    Don Provenzano was nominated by Nadia Borean, seconded by Cory Nielsen.

    Nadia and Don accept the nomination and agree to work together as Blastball Co-Directors.


    Webmaster – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Tony Yee was nominated by Sue Watkins, seconded by Nadia Borean.

    Tony Yee accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Tony Yee is appointed Webmaster by acclamation.


    Field Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Geordie Proulx was nominated by Steve McCann, seconded by Tony Yee.

    Geordie Proulx accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Geordie Proulx is appointed Webmaster by acclamation.


  2. Motion to close elections and no destruction of voting ballots: As there was no voting ballots in this election there was none too destroy.

    Motioned by Brian Tomei, seconded by Tony Borean.  Carried.


  3.  Recommendations for the 2014 Board from the floor

  1. We really need to work on getting kids back to Vancouver Minor  - more concentration at the lower levels.

  2. Better coaching (coaching clinics() in the lower divisions.

  3. Need to find coaching positions filled earlier in the season – start working on it in January/February.

  4. Contacting Little League’s to advise them of our Bantam/Midget divisions.

  5. Find pitching coach to help teach the kids and coaches.

  1. Motion to Adjourn

    Tony Yee motions, Nadia Borean seconds.  Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 10:18pm












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