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Tournament Rules Reminders

Posted by Robert Curtis at Jun 30, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
With tournament play getting underway here are some situations and questions that have been asked.
If a team has 12 or fewer plays at the start of the game (when the umpires meet with the coaches for the pre-game conference) the team is limited to a manager and a coach. If the team elects to have someone other than the manager or coach keep a scorebook, the book keeper can ONLY state the batting order to the team they are keeping the book for. The manager or coach may NOT consult with or ask questions to aid in strategy such as, "what did he/she do last time" and things along those lines. Please use rule 3.09 help guide in these situations. Also remember there must be a coach in the dugout at all times. Umpires we must holding our pre-game conferences no later than 5 minutes prior to game time.
Huddling by the defensive team prior to taking the field is a growing trend. This delays the game a considerable amount of time. Before the huddle can begin the manager has to wait for base runners to return to the dugout put away helmets and bats and grab their glove and hat, then the huddle takes place, now the team takes the field. This easily adds 5 to 8 minutes of "dead" time with no one on the field. If each team only huddles twice the game this adds at least another 20 minutes to the game. Umpires please do not allow defensive huddles between innings, if a team insists on huddling please enforce rule 8.03 per the interpretation manual, one minute begins when third out is recorded. Remember if a team hustles in and out we should allow the pitcher to have allowed number of warm-up pitches.
Pitchers Warming prior to entering the game must remain inside the confines of the field unless the field has a fenced bullpen. The catcher should go as far down the line as they can with their back to the outfield fence. A spotter should be sent with a helmet and glove to protect the pitcher and catcher. If there is not enough room in foul territory for a pitcher to safely warm-up prior to entering the game then the umpire should allow extra warm-up throws from the mound, provided the team did not cause an unnecessary delay.
Pitch count for each pitcher should be given over the pa system each half inning if one is being used.
Teams affidavits should be left with the official scorer and pitch counter during the game.
The 10 run rule applies to all tournament games.
Baseballs used for tournament play must be Little League approved RS-T baseballs. This insures that the ball used is to tournament standards. Umpires if both teams do not have RS-T balls available, please play the game and contact Chris or myself.
 Hope everyone has a great tournament, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
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Posted by Robert Curtis at Jun 22, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Due to a team dropping out of the Jr. & Sr. baseball tournament the bracket had to be redrawn. The updated bracket has been added to the tournament information section.

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2008 Pre-Season House Keeping

Posted by Robert Curtis at Mar 25, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )



With the 2008 season just around the corner and leagues gearing up for signups and tryouts now’s the time to do some safety housekeeping.

The biggest change is that beginning this year ALL bases used at ALL levels of Little League baseball and softball must be detachable/breakaway bases.

Why should leagues be aware of this rule change when we’re still almost two months away from getting onto the field? Remember this also includes indoor facilities like the UMO dome. Also now would be the time to be checking with local high schools or rec departments about being able use the breakaway bases on their fields for Jr. and Sr. league.   Before issuing equipment to teams for use during tryouts and practice check helmets for cracks missing padding and proper warning labels. Check that all bats meet little league requirements, remember all bats must be free of dents cracks and dings, the handle must have a grip that is at least 10 inches. Slippery tape or other material is not legal. For minor/major baseball a bat can not be longer then 33 inches, Jr. baseball 34 inches and Sr. baseball 36 inches also the bat can not weigh more than 3 ounces less then the length of the bat (a 33 inch bat could not weigh less than 30 ounces). All non wood bats used at the Sr. level must have the BESR certification silkscreen on the bat. From time to time league officials should check equipment during the season to insure that the equipment has not become illegal. Leagues should not wait for the umpire to remove equipment. Managers and coaches should not put equipment that was removed from one game back “into the mix” to see if the next umpire will remove it too. Remember this is a safety rule. Also Helmets that are not legal for use by a batter or runner are not legal for non adult base coaches to use. Finally, when your league buys baseball, be sure that the baseballs that you’re getting have at least the RS stamp on them. This has become more of an issue as leagues attempt to save money. The reason Little League has placed the RS (regular season) or RS-T (regular season tournament) requirements on baseballs is because there has been some major variances in the quality of baseballs manufactured over the past few years. This requirement makes sure that at least minim quality requirements are met.


if you have any questions feel free to contact Me at

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2008 Rule Changes & Reminders

Posted by Robert Curtis at Feb 8, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

2008 Rule Changes & Reminders


  If a pitcher throws 1 or more pitches in a game they may not play the position of chatcher for the rest of the DAY. This rule is for all levels of baseball, If a player pitches at all in the first game of a double header they can't play the position of catcher in game two.

 Any player who is acting as a catcher (ball shagger) during pre-game warmups must wear a mask and dangling throat protector, This includes the outfield.

 Dangling throat protectors must be worn properly. It should act as a hinge off the bottom of the mask. Helmits and bats should be checked to insure they meet Little League rules.

White bats are illegal and can not be used in any level of Little League baseball/softball.

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Posted by Robert Curtis at Nov 12, 2007 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Mansfield Stadium will once again be the host site for the 2008 Senior League World Series August 10th – 16th.