

Local Bylaws

Posted by Ginger Barkley on Jun 29 2011 at 05:00PM PDT

Smyrna Clayton Little League Local Bylaws

1. The President, Vice President &/or the Director on Duty (DOD) shall have the authority to terminate play and close the park for inclement weather, safety concerns or other reasons related to the good of the program. This will no way diminish the umpire in charge's authority to terminate play. (3/07)

2. Players/teams may attend parades/public appearances where they are representing their team/SCLL, only if approved by the Board of Directors. (5/99; 5/11)

3. Completed volunteer forms may only be viewed by the President, Vice President, Safety Officer and Player Agent directly supervising the specific division in question. (4/09)

4. If there is an incident of physical abuse between 2 or more players that is not on the playing field, but is on the SCLL property the following will be the guidelines to handle the problem. Note that these are only guidelines, and Board of Directors (BOD) will have final say on the acceleration of this process if said incident is deemed to be a serious infraction.

1st offense- Child is suspended for one game in which the player must come to the game and sit in the dugout with their uniform on and is not permitted to play.

2nd offense- Child is removed from the SCLL roster per Little League guidelines and will not be allowed to return to the property for the remainder of the playing season.

5. The dues for regular members shall be in the amount of $1.00, due before the league established opening day.  

6. The President may fill any manager/coach position(s) that are or become vacant after the March meeting immediately. Board approval is required at the next regular meeting.

7. Vehicle access to fields and facilities (East & West driveways) must remain unblocked to provide immediate access by emergency vehicles. These access ways will be clearly posted as no parking areas. When said access ways are blocked, the presiding league officers (to include DOD), shall make a reasonable effort to locate the vehicle owner. If the owner cannot be located, local police will be notified to have the vehicle towed. Towing expense will be incurred by the vehicle owner. (3/07)  

8. The President shall have the authority, with or without Board approval, to approve the purchase of (or repair of) routine field/facility maintenance items and any items directly related to the safety of league participants. (3/07) 

9. Any Officer or Director who is absent from two consecutive meetings without being excused by the President may be removed from office. (10/04)

10. SCLL property (mowers, tractor, tools) will not leave the park unless there has been expressed permission given by the President. (3/09)

11. SCLL equipment shall only be operated at our complex by current SCLL Board members and/ or those individuals who have been given permission by a current member of the SCLL board of directors.

12. If appointed by the Board of Directors the “Nominating Committee” shall report to the Board of Directors one month before the annual meeting. (10/04) 

13. The SCLL Complex is private property. Current members of the SCLL BOD reserve the right to have any individual(s) removed from the complex due to improper conduct, behavior or use of facilities at any time by any legal means necessary. (3/09)

14. Rules to be followed inside the SCLL park: (10/04) No throwing rocks No weapons of any kind (automatic 1 year suspension) No riding bikes inside the park No dogs in park No parking on the grass  

15. Players, managers, coaches, umpires, and Board of Directors shall vote for tournament teams within their division as outlined by Little League Baseball. The Player Agent of the division shall conduct the balloting along with the Division Director; no ballots shall leave the park. (12/00; 5/06)

16. When someone is ejected from the park, by the Umpire or the DOD for an incident, the BOD will use the following guidelines for dealing with the situation. However, if the incident is determined by the BOD to be a serious infraction, they may accelerate this process. 1st  offense - be ejected for the remainder of the day 2nd offense - be ejected for an entire season 3rd offense - be ejected for life (LIFETIME BAN)                          (All of these steps are subject to the appeal process)(10/04)

17. Clubhouse parking during nights that scheduled games and/or practices are being conducted shall be limited to the person in charge of the concession stand and limited essential personnel at the discretion of the BOD or DOD. NO vehicles will be permitted to enter the clubhouse lane after 5:30pm (Emergency vehicles not included) (3/09)

18. Unsupervised minors behaving in a disorderly manner will be detained by the DOD until parent/guardians can be summoned to remove them from the complex. (3/09) 

19. SCLL has adopted a Zero Tolerance policy to verbal or physical abuse. (10/04)

20. If someone is asked to leave the park for any reason, they are to leave immediately, if they choose not to, the DOD is to call the Smyrna police immediately, and they must have the person arrested for trespassing. (10/04) 

General Division Rules I Guidelines

1. All practice facilities/locations not located on SCLL owned property must be pre-approved by the Board of Directors. (3/07)

2. There will be no tryouts for any All-Star or Tournament teams

3. All All-Star team hats and shirts will be the same, supplied by the league.

4. The home team will do field maintenance after each game; the Visitors will clean up the area around the field / bleachers.

5. The concession deposit of $40 that is paid up front at signups shall be returned to the parents on the specified dates for each division.  It will only be returned if someone worked the night the team was scheduled in the concession stand or a different night if agreed upon and scheduled by the Concession Director.  Majors, Junior, and Senior divisions will also need to return or have already turned in their jersey to the team manager before being eligible to receive their concession deposit.  Parents shall be responsible for unreturned uniform shirts, including cost of shirt, setup fees, etc. Their child may not be signed up until cost is paid in full. (1/99)

6. Managers shall collect and return all uniforms andequipment within seven days after the completion of their team's last game.

7. Warm up areas for Major, Junior, and Senior division 8 pm games will be as follows: (5/06)                                   Major field:    
Home- Flat area on backside of driveway, behind dug-outs.
Visitors- Along back side of batting cages.

Jr I Sr field:        
Home- Along backside of driveway, next to bathrooms.
Visitors- Along backside of Majors right field (by scoreboard). 

8. The Minor League division may utilize the Major league field under the lights for any championship, or play-off game they may have. To be scheduled with the Major league Director. (10/04; 5/06)  

Game Times & Game Suspensions

T - Ball - Minor League

For any regular season game scheduled to begin at or after 6:00 p.m., no new inning will begin after 7:45 p.m. (exception: post-season or special games scheduled to be played on the major's field with auxiliary lights available) Umpire-in-chief and/or the DOD maintain discretion to conclude any game earlier based on light conditions and safety of the participants. The game time is maintained by the Umpire-in-chief.

Major - Senior League (Auxiliary light available)

When a second game is scheduled to play, no new inning will begin after 1 hour & 45 minutes from the start of the game. Coaches and Managers of teams scheduled for "second" games will have players warm up in the designated off-field areas. In no case will fielding/batting practice delay the start of a game. The Umpire-in-chief will determine if time exists to allow fielding/batting practice. (3/09) Umpire-in-chief and/or the DOD maintain discretion to conclude any game earlier based on light conditions and safety of the participants. The game time is maintained by the Umpire-in-chief. (3/99; 3/07)

Lightning Policy

Immediately upon hearing thunder or witnessed lightning, all players will leave the game field and dugout/bleacher area. An "alert status" of the league electronic lightning monitor within a 10 mile area will also prompt removal of players from the field. An audible alarm will be sounded (at the request of any umpire-in-chief or the DOD) indicating all fields are to be cleared. Players will not return to the field until cleared by the DOD, this is indicated by re-sounding the audible alarm. No DOD will permit games/practices to continue until after a 30 minute period of no thunder or witnessed lightning. Players will be moved to an enclosed facility, be permitted to sit in vehicles or released to their parent / guardians.

Division Specific Guidelines

When a child/player is selected through the Major league draft process, there will be no options to keep the said player from moving up to the major league division. The board will of course take any recommendations from parents or managers on their desire and reason in writing for not wanting said child/player from entering the Majors prior to the 1st day of scheduled try-outs; however they will only be treated as a recommendation only. The BOD will have the final say on this matter. (5/06)  

Hardship Considerations 

The goal of the SCLL Baseball League Inc is to include all eligible and interested participants in the same of baseball.  The Board of Directors recognizes that there are those in our community that are unable to fulfill the financial obligation for player registration.  The president shall have the right to appoint a “hardship committee” to address and evaluate potential hardship cases.  Said committee will be authorized to meet with or solicit information from any guardian requesting special financial considerations from the league.  The committee will then formulate and present their recommendation for Board approval.  The committee recommendation may include signed guardian agreements to provide additional volunteer services. 

Thomas L. Emerson Memorial Award

The Smyrna Clayton Little League recognizes the contributions made by the late Thomas L. Emerson in establishing and supporting our youth baseball program. "Tommy" was a founding member of this organization and was unselfish in dedicating countless hours to the youth of our community as a coach, umpire, mentor and role model. In memory of Mr. Emerson's example, the league will recognize one adult volunteer umpire each season. The umpire shall be selected based on dedication to the game of baseball, devotion to the players and his/her commitment to fairness and sportsmanship. The umpire recipient of this honor will be determined by polling league coaches prior to the end of each season. The polling of coaches will be conducted by the league President, or his/her Designee.  An appropriate award of recognition will be presented to the recipient during opening day ceremonies for the succeeding season or at a time deemed appropriate by the league Board of Directors. (3/07)  

Steven Turner Memorial Award

The Steven Turner Memorial Award was established to recognize those characteristics that were evident in Steve as he played the game of baseball. It was important to Steven's family that his award not be presented based on athletic accomplishment but rather to recognize outstanding effort, teamwork, attitude and triumph in overcoming life's obstacles.

Miscellaneous Considerations

The SCLL Board of Directors recognizes that although by-laws are established to provide guidance for daily operations of the league, there will be situations and conditions that do not completely apply themselves to those provisions adopted within this document. For these conditions and situations, the SCLL Board of Directors maintains the right to deviate and expound their authority from these adopted by-laws, any existing adopted rules & / or action of precedent recognized by the league. (3/07)  

Discipline Guidelines 

The following shall serve as a guideline for Board of Directors effected disciplinary actions.  It should be noted that this policy serves as a guideline only and that specific circumstances may increase or diminish the severity of discipline enacted.   

 Updated: June 2011



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