

CYSL Local Rules of Competition for Referees

Posted by Wes Hocking on Sep 29 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

Every league (CYSL, Butte United, High School, College, Adult, etc.) has their own modifications to FIFA laws to suit the needs of their league.  These local rules are referred to as "Local Rules of Competition".  These changes account for players age (ball size, field size, match duration, etc.), skill level (being able to slide tackle "safely", etc.), and other considerations.

Referees who accept assignments in any league are expected to know and enforce that league's local rules of competition. 

The attached handout is a summary of CYSL Local Rules of Competition.  I recommend you print a copy (if you don't have the one you received in the referee class) and put it with your referee gear that you bring to the fields.  That way you can reference it quickly if you need to.

When I refereed, I used to make a quick review of it before my first game every Saturday.  Some referees have even been known to carry a folded copy in their pocket to have available during the game!  -- Wes


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