

Pasta Parties

Posted by Emily Steffen on Mar 22 2015 at 06:02PM PDT in Spring 2014

Happy Sunday, everybody! Remind your daughters to bundle up tomorrow for practice—snow’s back!

This is semi-late in the game, but we need to get these Pasta Parties scheduled. I’m looking for parent volunteers who would be willing to host, coordinate getting food, help out, etc. Please reach out to me if you are willing to get involved in any way. Email is best— .

Since most of our games are on Tuesdays, Monday looks like the best night. We will end practice early on those days and head over to eat good food and let the girls bond. We may need parents to volunteer to give rides, as well.

We can have as many or few of these parties as we want. Here are some possible dates:

Thursday 3/26 before Niles West;
Wednesday 4/1 before Whitney Young (Spring Break);
Monday 4/6 before LT;
Monday 4/27 before York;
Monday 5/4 before Hinsdale;
Monday 5/12 before Downers North (last game :( …)

Please reach out to me via email at if you can get involved. I appreciate your continued support of your daughters and this team.

Coach Steffen


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