

Congrats On A Great Opening Week!

Posted by Tanya Sullivan on Mar 15 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

Play Ball!

The PALL Board of Directors congratulates all Teams on a successful Opening Week!  Players and Fans alike are displaying great sportsmanship and the caliber of play is impressive!  Teams obviously had a great "Spring Training".

Please keep in mind that even though the posted schedules state 5:30 game times, we're actually starting at 5:00 through March 30th to help get complete games in before dark.  We're doing our best to have snack shacks open by game time... boy does that cheese take a long time to heat up!!!!

We hope you've had a chance to check out the award winning food in the snack shack.  The new equipment is making it easier to whip up tasty treats to your specifications so don't be shy... you want BBQ sauce on that cheeseburger with grilled oninons?  No problem... just ask!  We hope to christen a new coffeemaker this afternoon.  If you've been underwhelmed with our Opening Week coffee or luke warm hot chocolate, give us another chance!   




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