

Challenger Team takes home the Gold!

Posted by Chris Pierre on Nov 11 2009 at 04:00PM PST

Sachem Challenger Team Wins Gold Medal in the Long Island Regional Olympics.

The Sachem Challenger Team continues on their success by capturing the Gold Medal in the 2009 Long Island Regional Olympics. This win earned them the right to be called the #1 New York State Special Olympics ChallengerTeam in Long Island for 2009.

This talented Challenger team managed by Roger Smith and his coaching staff have competed in the New York State Special Olympics the past two years and have won silver and bronze medals respectively.  This year the team was determined to return to Seneca Falls and compete for the Gold.  Sadly,the economy has even impacted the Special Olympics and due to budgetary constraints, the Special Olympics Committee was forced to cancel team level competition and would only hold individual skills competition.  Thus, the Long Island Regional Event would be the tournament for team level competition.  While the Challenger Team was disappointed in not being able to make the trip to Seneca Falls to compete at the statewide level, they remained determined to represent themselves, their families and community admirably and are now 2009 Champions Long Island Regional Champions.

 A special congratulations to the following athletes and the 2009 Long Island Regional Champions.

  •  Jeff Davis
  • Vincent Ditta
  • Danny Gelfer
  • Tom Hughes
  • David Hughes
  • Andrew Kiesling, who earlier that morning and before the tournament participated in the National Disabilities 5K Championship Run at Sunken Meadow Park and finished with a 30 minute time.
  • Kristen Lofgner
  • David Mahady
  • John Schneider
  • Michael Shapiro
  • Roger Smith 
Sachem LL is extremely proud of these fine individuals.


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