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OVLL Game Highlights Week Ending 5/7/11

Posted by Ken Deleske on May 09 2011 at 05:00PM PDT

5/7/11 Majors Division:  Braves 4 Phillies 0
By:  Jennifer Sievers

     BraydonSalzman pitched a shutout on Saturday giving the Braves another win.Thestarting Pitcher for the Phillies was Christian Catano.  The Braves scored one run in the first inning when Jason Mayorga hit a double to bring home Braydon Salzman.  Max Kaplan came in to relief pitch for the Phillies in the bottom of the 4th, followed by Phillies pitcher A. Meyerin the bottom of the 5th inning.  The Braves' Jackson Roder made a couple of great plays at Second Base to keep the Phillies from scoring any runs.
   The Braves increased their lead in the 5th inning when Braydon Salzman hit a double to bring in James Williams.  Then Braydon scored when the third-baseman for the Phillies made an error. Nathan Crocker also hit a double in the 5th tobring in Jason Mayorga and to bring the final score to Braves 4 Phillies 0.

5/3/11 Minor A Division:  Red Wings 8 vs. Bees 7 
by:  Liz Putman


      The Bees scored quickly in the two first innings with JaredReyes and Daniel Mayorga scoring. The Red Wings’ bats started heating up in the bottom of the third to tiethe game at 2-2. The Bees came right back and took the lead again at the top ofthe fourth. The Red Wings’ bats, still hot, came back to score 5 runs with ahard hit double by Kyle Nelson that scored both Nick Barbisan and NoahMadole.  Elijah Blake also contributed byhitting a hard line drive that scored both Kyle Nelson and Mark Stites. TheBees battled back the next two innings to tie the game again at 7-7. The RedWings bats kept swinging. Kyle Nelson came right back tohit another double and score the winning run.

5/7/11 Minor B Division:   Hooks 6 vs. Mets 
by:  Laurie Skorheim


The Hooks picked up the victory in Saturday's nail bitter game against the Mets. Mets came out strong with some aggressive base running by Nathan Skorheim, Jimmy Campbell, Danny Gallardo and Tristan Kennedy. Lucas Pantel showed his dominance on the mound for the Mets, with 5 strike outs and a double play. Grady Carter hit it to the fence with the score tied up in the 5th inning, 5 to 5. In the end, the Hooks got the final run in the bottom of the 6th to win the game, 6 to 5. 

5/5/11 Minor C Division:  Raptors vs. Lugnuts (no score kept)

by:   Kathy Melvin

      Strong pitching by both teams dominated the first fewinnings of the game, with the Raptors Rielly Bradley throwing three strikeoutsin the top of the third.  The Raptorsbats warmed up in the bottom of the third to bring three runners home.  An impressive double play by the Lugnuts 2ndbaseman Jim Legg  and 1stbaseman James Jones ended the inning.

      The Lugnuts responded with a rally of their own in the 4thinning, bringing 4 runners home, followed with strong pitching by Evan Knife ***tired the Raptors with three strikeouts.  

      The fifth inning was a showdown, with the Lugnuts bringingin another runner before being stopped by Raptors pitcher Quinn Ortiz, whothrew a strikeout and caught a pop fly, and Jack Rockefeller who fielded agrounder and got the forced out at third. With two outs in the bottom of the fifth, the Raptors surged with arally led by Owen Sideris, Bradley, Ortiz, Rockefeller, and Samuel Cohen,bringing home a few more runners.


5/7/11 Minor C Division:  Iron Birds vs. Grasshoppers (No Score Kept)  
by:  Marcella Erickson
     The gloomy weather didn't spoil the fun at Saturday's Minor C game between the Iron Birds and Grasshoppers.  Isaac Ballinas opened at Pitcher for the Birds and Ethan Rose started for the Hoppers.  Birds' Pitchers, Miles Lopez and William Lawler kept the Grasshoppers quiet through the top of third.  However,  in the bottom of the third, the crowd was delighted when Iron Bird, A.J. Hurtado hit a towering fly ballto left field where Hoppers' Collin Dubino made a great snow cone catch.  Hurtado avenged himself by pitching brilliantly in the fifth.  Attached is a photo of Iron Birds' Pitcher, A.J. Hurtado.


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