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Zander Fletcher

Posted by Bryant Jung on May 30 2013 at 05:00PM PDT
Name: Zander Fletcher
Current Team:   Giants
Jersey No:   14
Years at OVLL: 2
Past teams played on:   Minor A mud hens
Favorite Coach:   Coach Di Marco
High School likely to attend:   Would just like to get past middle school
Other sports you play:   There's other sports besides baseball
Goals and Aspirations:   To get good grades, go to a good college and own my own business
What I will miss about OVLL: Feeling like you are part of an extrememly large family. Everyone is nice and they care about you.  I will miss my coaches and of course the Snackbar.
Fondest memory at OVLL:   Breaking Coach DiMarcos nose during practice. I thought for sure he waa going to trade me.
OVLL is 50 years old. In 50 years what do you want OVLL to Remember about you: OVLL helped start my love and passion for baseball. I hope they remember me as Zander Fletcher.


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