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Posted by Doug Helmling at Nov 4, 2009 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

     The final whistle has sounded and the inevitable, saddening absence has arrived.  At the end of every season I look to fill the void with as much soccer as I can.  I pick up the controller and play some FIFA on the PS2.  I watch the MLS playoffs and the Champions League and Serie A (tip of the hat to Joe).  I try to engorge myself on as much tactical learning as I can.  I watch with a coach's eye to analyze strengths and weaknesses of various formations. 

     I reflect on the teams we played and recognize what worked and how to improve against their systems.  I look to the future of our team and match personnel to what I envision for us next fall.  I have ideas already and will be posting new handouts in the weeks and months to come.  I have watched the younger players and have a sense of where we will need people to be.

     Over the course of the winter, spring, and summer I encourage all of you to put some touches on the ball.  I know some of you are planning to play indoor; this is good.  In the past, several of you played spring soccer; this is good.  The more match play you have between now and next fall the better we will be.  I cannot participate much during the school year, depending on how many take part, but I can help you make contacts if you are interested in playing.

     Visit Rick, our trainer, and he can help you set up an off-season training program to help improve your physical strength and endurance. 

     Remember why we play.  We play because we love the game!  (At least I do.)

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This Player is on FIRE!!!

Posted by Doug Helmling at Oct 22, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
  Clare Pioneers
     Tuesday 11 points were spread among 6 people.  We allowed 1 shot on goal.  Ricky recorded record-setting clean sheet number 6.  Vince came within 1 point of the Pioneer single-season point record (he has 31 and the record is 32).  We played with dignity and class against a friend and his new team.  
     Thursday you did everything that was asked of you.  You left everything on the pitch and we offered no excuses.  I was moved by your performance, your heart, and your passion to do your best. 
     I have coached a lot of teams, and it has been some time since I coached a group of young men who I  respect as much as this group.  From the new faces in Khua, Kyle B., and Ricky to the guys I've seen grow since you were youngsters (Josiah and Micah).  I first met Vince when he was an 8th grade phenom at my camp, already a stud.  I remember Ben's early time, unsure of making a pass to now when he is one of the most dependable defenders we've ever had.  Eric: what a monster he has become, controlled aggression personified!  Kyle G. went from a broken wrist to playing consistent, smart soccer from the back against some of the most dangerous players on our schedule.  Jake works his tail off, makes great sticks, and plays the ball smartly out of the back.  Gabe has taken his game to a new level, from a kid who was fast and could cross to one of the most well-rounded players we have ever had.  Cody, Ian, Jamie, Josiah, and Micah are ready to lead this team next season with as much skill and knowledge as any core group in our conference.  Jay knows only one speed and used it for his team on defense, making the ultimate sacrifice for a guy who likes to score. 
     You have all heard me talk about the great teams of the past.  In my mind, this team has joined that echelon of greatness.  Thank you for making this a season for me to remember, and remember you all I will.



Previous Winners:

8/15 - Gabe Kruskamp

8/29 - Ricky Lucas 

9/4  -  Jay Jessup

9/11 - Vincent Hinojosa

9/17 - Ian Whiteman

9/25 - Ian Whiteman

10/1 - Kyle Bentley

10/8 - Ben Yats

10/16 - Khua Thawng

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Dynamic Stretching vs. Static Stretching

Posted by Doug Helmling at Jun 3, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

I have spent the last few years striving for better and more efficient ways to condition and prepare soccer players prior to a practice or match.  I spoke with athletic trainers, strength/conditioning professionals, doctors, coaches, and athletes.  The consensus is that the tried-and-true method of static stretching before exercising has questions to its effectiveness.  What has been found is that the strength of the muscles stretched in this way actually suffers, for up to 60 minutes.  There is also no research I have found to support the idea that static stretching before exercise prevents injuries on the pitch. 

After the workout, static stretching seems to help reduce soreness and speed recovery, however.

Our schedule, in light of this, will be as follows:

1.  Dynamic stretch as a warm-up

2. Practice or match

3.  Cool down with a static stretch component


Here is a good link to a great site in regards to all things soccer, including conditioning: